Hello all,
thank you to everyone who's posted messages to us. Just to keep you filled in we're currently in Bangkok. Today Monego arrives out here with us so tonight we will be hitting the sites of Pat Pong market where we venture to find him his first lady boy and show him the culture.
We have just spent a week on the suny island of Koh Samet which was amazing. The accomodation was okay, it was basically four of us in one room with two large beds and a fan. Unfortunately this meant that it got very hot and four sweaty men did not get a lot of sleep unless they drunk a lot of chang beer, bottles of thai samsung whiski and fred's favourite, the buckets of cocktails. It actually worked out cheaper to spend the money on alcohol so we simply passed out the second our heads touched the pillow than to buy a room with aircon. We sat down had a chat about our options and decided this was most economical. Of course this unfortunately resulted in lots of crazy dancing, lots of rndom photo's on our camera's of people we can't remember meeting, and ridiculous headaches in the morning, but if it's cheaper then we are game.
Most of the days at the island we spent chilling on the beach. On the second day me and shark managed to steal a football from a thai restaraunt and that gave us about 20 mins of entertainment and some good photo's before we all collapsed like fat whales on the beach and greenpeace were called in.
On our last day me and shark finally became what we like to consider models/actors/pro-footballers. In short this guy we'd met a few days earlier had said that he was shoing an advert for french tv to advertise certain products for a sport shop and did we wanna go down and play a bit of football, have a few free beers and just have a laugh. We checked our calendars and to our shock we had no plans and thought why not, we've never tried beer or football before, it might be fun!! So we went down had little kick about had few photo's taken. Then bout wo hours later the guy walked down the beach and asked if me and shark wanted tobe in the advert, once again we were free at that time and decided (economically) thee's no way we can go a year without working so yes we are prepared to take time out of our busy scheduale to drink free beer, wear your fancy sport clothes and get paid 25 quid each to run around on a beach playing football for an hour and a half. To be honest it got very hot running round, and doing take after take of this french guy who was the star trying to do these scissor kicks, but when push comes to shove sometimes you have to do these hardships in order to be able to eat. So what if we were dressed up in fancy sports clothes and forced to smile like cheap bits of meat for the camera, so what if we were force fed heineken beer in the sweltering conditions, so what if there were loads of girls on the beech screaming for us, so what if were paid just 25 quid for such talentd acting and spent the rest of the trip signing autographs for admiring fans and heartbroken girls, sometimes you've got to do this to pu food on the table!! Without goig on about it too much Sharky is now the Mel Gibson of Koh Samet and me the Eddie Murphy. Like i said that's just in short, didn't wanna bore you all o go on about it cos it's no big deal, can hardly remember it now and haven't thought about it once. Infact me and shark haven't mentioned it once since it happened, everyone's been paid to act at somepoint right!!!!!
Anyway moving on, everything is fine, you'll be pleased to know that no-one has come to any real harm. Stephen has had a few violent burns to various parts of his body including his left eye lid but is a warrior and keeps battling on. Me, shark and fred had very close encounter with an enormous cockroach but thanks to some brave efforts from shark with some small help from fred and the occasional attempted wack of a magazine from me, we managed to slay the beast - well actually shark and fred caught it in a lunch box and threw it out the room, it then grew wings, turned around a flew back towards the room, i attempted to hit it with a magazine, shark and fred locked me out and i stood their crying lke a baby trying to bat it away (we were all very mainly)!!
Well that's all for now, hope you enjoy and please write to us. Once again are any of my family out there!! Do you remember me, please write me a message. We are now just going to walk to meet the infamous Daniel Dalmonego and welcome him to Thailand, infact i better go cos we're actually late (lucky it's just menago)!!!Take care and keep writing love from Dan and the boys
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