Hello everyone,
just quick update cos not got a lot of time. We're currently on as Island called Koh Samet, it's a few hours from Thailand. Last night we had great night. Went to watch the Yids win 4-0 which Shark and Fred (Andy/Minky) were very pleased about. In fact on the next set of pictures you will see an interesting photo of one of Andy's celebrations after the second goal flew in!! Sorry if this is making you sick Dalmonego but it's turning into Yids on tour out here!! Yid army!!!
After that we drunk more than our fair share of Thai whisky and coke and then had a really good night at a few bars, especially the regae bar.
Today we've just been laying on the beach and swimming in the sea and occasionally having a break to eat curry and drink beer in the air con (I've always hated Mondays)!!
Tonight we're going out for drinks with some Canadians we've met, should be interesting. The room we've got here is good, it's basically 2 double-beds for the four of us and it's costing us less than five quid a night. The beer is very, very cheap to, and the best bit is the curry with rice is less than a quid!!! You can get a range of curry in Samet for around this price, there is a lamb vindaloo, also a less hot chicken alternative and numerous Thai curries. There is also one that Shark had last night that was very hot, I've never seen one man sweat so much. Very entertaining!
That's about it for now. Please get on and send us messages. All the boys send there love to there families and girls back home (we have so many).
Bye for now Dan
Dan, Steve, Shark, Minky Fred Andy
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