Thursday, 10th December
Lots of waiting around for connecting buses but got to Koh Lanta and our bungalow on stilts is really nice. The resort has a pool, restaurant, bar and pool table and it's right on the beach, what more could we want. Had a few drinks at a regee bar down a small track it was a great setting then went for supper at a beach side restaurant called Funky Fish, happy anniversary to us 10 years!!
Friday, 11th December
Had a much needed lie-in. Got a bit of a shock when we saw the tide was out, haven't seen a tide out like it since home, quite rocky but looks good, went for a swim instead. Took a ped out and went round the island, had lunch in an amazing hill top restaurant and found a cool place to stay when we leave Full Moon. As always was nice to get out and about, old Lanta town was very traditional with Tsunami warning sidns everywhere with escape routes planned out. Played lots of pool, met Steve and Karla from Bolton and went up the beach to a bar I'd jogged up to earlier called Fin's Stoned. The guys there put on a fire show which was pretty impressive, got some good shots with the cameraand video and worked out how to get photos of the stars.
Saturday, 12th December
Rode into town on the ped and skyped Mum and Dad, Soph was there which was nice, also spoke to Steve and Cass and Matt and Bec who got Hannah to chat a bit to. Went for a swim, read, read, read.
Sunday, 13th December
Our first planned day of doing nothing today which is always going to be a good day, travelling can be so tiring!! Reading, swimminglots of washing, had a sort out of the bungalowand got some great shots of us in the sea at sunset. Tried Sonya's for supper great pat thai beef with crushed peanuts, Tom's Penang curry was as good and as hot as the Thai at home, so must have been good.
Monday, 14th December
Tom got a bit burnt yesterdayso we had a shady day, lunch at Nice and Easy place next door had a great pool and gardens, not another soul to be seen. Met Sue (an American who lived in Puerto Rico and has just moved to Sydney), got lots of advice on places to go in South America and she's very convincing with reasons to move to Oz. Amazing lightening storm that spread across the whole horizon Tom was very patient and got the perfect shot.
Tuesday, 15th December
Steve and Karlas last night so we all got together and had pre-dinner drinks and nibbles before going to the bbq buffet the Full Moon was putting on, really good meal some of it a tad spicy though.
Wednesday, 16th December
I got up early and headed along the beach for about 3/4 hourto where the beach ends and you can climb over the headland to some deserted beaches. Had a bit of Em time and got some funny photos of a hermit crab trying to find some shade and of the fishing boats out past Long Beach. When Tom came we climbed round to the next beach, the walk home was a bit warm. Out for drinks with Nick,Brandon and new recruit Oli then on to a beach bar party for mushroom shakes which were gag worthy.
Thursday, 17th December
Rented a ped (bumble bee) and headed down and across the Island to our house on the sea at Sang Kha Ou. We had an amazing day, so relaxing, with supper on our jetty just the two of us, candle light and the sea lapping underneath us we couldn't be more chilled. During the day we lay under our room, on cusions, there were thousands of fish in the shade of the house keeping cool. Fairly breezy once the sun has gone down so we were pretty much rocked to sleep with the house swaying.
Friday, 18th December
Apart from a random who turned the light on in our room we slept really well and woke up as the sunrose. It was amazing to wake up over the sea with the windows open so we could see straight out for miles. Had a good brew and banana pancakes and omelette for breakfast outside our room, we really felt like the only people there. Did our bit of excercise for the day by swimming then headed back to base on the bumble. Stopped at the Hammock House in Old Lanta Town on the way back, best investment ever, so comfy we've given Nick the other one from India. Put the hammock up as soon as we got back and met Jodie and Nicole, drinks at Kasims and went for supper not realising it was 10:30 so got lots of random bits from 7eleven and had a feast of cheese, ham and crisp sandwiches washed down with local whiskey,redbull and sprite. Mmmmm.
Saturday, 19th December
Slow start, swimming, reading and enjoying the new hammock.
Sunday, 20th December
A day out on the bikes, all 6 of us headed out on the bikes around the Island. Went doen to where we stayed the other night at the tip of the Island, poor Nick got 2 flat tyres so we had Jodie on our bike for a bit. I had a go riding which I loved so much easier on an automatic. Hill top restaurant for a late lunch which was lovely. Kasim took us out to Long Beach to a really good bar on the beach that was having an opening night party, we stayed until 4 am and Kasim stayed and took us back again. Got some amazing shots of Tom sumersalting through a ring of fire and skipping with a rope that was on fire. Really good day and night which ended at 6:30am inside at Nick's because the 'moody hot girl' as we named her complained.
Monday, 21st December
Up early and slightly slowly after 2 hrs sleep, Sue wrote us a note to give the people at the petrol station to see if they'd found Tom's card which unfortunatley they haven't. Got Sue some flowers on the way back and stopped at the French bakery for croissants and hot chocolate for breakfast. Went for a swim in the sea to make the most of the tide being in. So hot so were in and out of the pool til 2:30 when after lunch we collapsed back into bed til 6pm. All 6 of us went out for our last supper so us girls got our dresses on and had a really nice meal on the beach followed by cocktails.
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