20 Feb
And "nun bin ich einfach mal weg" - just sounds better than "now I am just gone ". Well - on the plane to Joburg and read the inflight BA magazine cover to cover. I am a great believer in books finding you at the right time judge ...these are the stand-out phrases that caught my eye :
....but apparently life begins when you leave your comfort zone
....the most memorable travel tales are about dancing with the unknown
....let the madness unfold
In the 18th century young english men (and only young men) were sent on the Grand Tour to southern Europe (to learn how to dress, eat and be better lovers !) - the precursor to the 21st century Gap Year concept - on the assumption that beauty must be sought out,seen, consumed and if possible brought home. Beauty is life-enhancing. (Stephen Bailey)
So here we are ...on our Gap Year ....30 years later.....seeking out the beauty..
Let the madness begin .......
21 Feb
I now realise why I have always felt that it is impossible to live in Australia. Having hugged airoplane seats for nearly 24 hours - not counting transit time - has confirmed that feeling. It is just tooooo far away ! 24 hours of non-stop movies and TV series .....Dylan ....I have broken your record ! We have been blessed though - no individuals surrounded by blue haze around us, no toddlers kicking the seat, no crying babies in our immidiate surroundings (mothers having to do this trip with children seriously deserve a medal) and really worthwhile meals ...even ice-cream the trip has been painless (except for the butt ) and already the holiday has begun. Thanks for the tip Ricki ....would not have survived this trip wearing jeans.
- comments
Lyn But now you are there so the fun has begun! Think of us when we're on our way in a couple of weeks time. Have a wonderful time and love to Judy & Co. Missing you guys