Back to Herne aka Home Base 1
we have alerted Home Base 1 that they are not the only Home Base in the running for best HB of the trip. we told them that we get fresh, homemade smoothies at Tilburg HB, but at the same time, we get french toast and/or pancakes in Herne HB. it's really a toss up.
Christmas party tonight, and is it NICE to quit screwing around with backpacks. for the last 2 weeks, rach and i have been straight up backpacking. was i sick of wearing the same thing for days on end (no exageration) and seeing rach in the same outfit every night we went out. so we got dressed to the tens and set out for a fantastic night out.
being some of the only north americans there, we had to run the show - drinking games such as beer pong and flip cup had to be taught, not to mention leading the gang in dance moves and great music. the only thing that can do this night justice is the actual 177 pictures that lauren took this night. i wish i could make that up, but 177 pictures is worth a lot more than words than i can put on any blog website.
shanny was our host for the night, and it was a nice little send off for us from Herne. we spent so much time there the past few months that this was a perfect way to close this portion of the trip. and three girls can never complain when they have close to 20 boys in a room to themselves and a few, select others
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