euro-jules and euro-rach on a euro-gongshow
Do i have to say much more than Spice Girls in Cologne, Germany (koln to the pros)
probably not, but i'll say a few things - great job girls, although posh could not sing a lick, at least she looked good. but everything did in section 700 in the kolnarena. the concert was great, we had Litre beers which were pretty affordable, and we snuck out with the litres anyway. we needed them for the next few days at Home Base 1 (in Herne, Germany) where we went the last time of our euro trip to stay with our now best friend Shanny. we drank water out of the litres to "drink to hydrate" (motto #3) so we'd be ready upcoming nights to "drink to dehydrate" aka drink lots of beer (motto #4)
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