so the girls are all gone, it's just me and rach again until the weekend...and just in time, because i think i can hear my liver crying. But we had an amazing time in scandanavia (almost 6 weeks!) but it's time to head south for a little nicer weather. we've already seen it snow quite a few times (and luckily it's usually after the bar, and we've been really goor at drinking our winter coats on, so the snow hasn't affected us much)
however, our clothes have taken a toll. we didn't realize that after a month and a half of wearing the SAME clothes day in and day out, things get a little worn out. i've almost walked through my nice pair of euro shoes that i bought for the trip...we're getting holes in a few articles of clothing...and before we used to be very careful about doing loads of laundry (temperatures, darks and whites, downy, bounce sheets, etc) but we just don't have that luxury anymore. a couple loads, everything is thrown in to the dryer -- today is only the third time we've been able to do the laundry. usually by around the time our underwear is running low is our signal that - it's time.
only a few more days (and one more loooong day of traveling) and we'll be in italy to see our dearest mummy kins! it'll be nice to see some family and to "backpack" it up with mom.
Rach and Ju: 1 Backpacking: 0
in fact, we've done such a good job of beating down backpacking, that we may have revolutionized the entire idea of traveling!, home cooked meals, nice bars...and lord knows we haven't had to abandon fashion in the name of travelling! so pay attention dear readers, as we let loose on our last 2 months and leave europe in a state of depression once we leave, because we will let you in on the key ingredients of a well-played, well-stayed trip in Europe.
Key Ingredient #1: a loving father who wants the best for his daughters (and who has a lot of "points" at nice hotels)
stay tuned for more tricks of the trade from euro jules and euro rach, who is currently off doing laundry and dropping some more postcards in the mail
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