Today I learned that my favorite phrase in the French language is "bon appetit". After sleeping until 1:00 (woops) Tori and I set off for our first day in Paris! We took the metro and got off at Champs De Mars around 2:30. Without a single clue of where we were, we started walking straight and luckily soon spotted none other than eiffel tower soaring above us. So obviously we both started freaking out and being typical tourists squealing and whipping out our cameras. After several photoshoots we realized we hadn't eaten anything all day and began wandering around in search of food (which isn't very hard in Paris). We walked around for quite some time just because everything looked so tempting but finally decided we were too ravenous to continue and chose a cute sandwich stand across from the tower to grab food. We both got paninis and found a table to sit at and enjoy our meal with a great view of the eiffel tower. Little did we know we were actually sitting at a restaurant table and a waiter came over and gave us some menus. We felt pressured then to order something realizing they probably didn't like us sitting there with another place's food. This wasn't a big problem, however, since they had crepes and I've been craving them ever since I got the okay to go to France back in the fall. I ordered nutella banana crepes which were amazing and Tori got an apple tart. Once every plate was licked clean we decided to head towards Champs d'elysees to explore the shopping. It was a great walk full of some big surprises. Surprise #1. during the walk we saw these huge black and gold gates that looked super glamorous with a long line of people waiting to get in. Tori exclaimed we had to do whatever tour they were in line for. We went over to investigate only to realize this "tour" was actually the line for Abercrombie & Fitch a store we are all too familiar with from home. Lame. Which leads me to surprise #2. There are a lot of familiar stores in Paris. A girl we met in the bathroom told us the best places to get coffee would either be Starbucks or McDonalds. 'Mericaaa. But no thanks, not today, I'm in Paris. #3. Sometimes it's best to not admit you speak English. Or else you will get gypsied. Apparently signing a petition to help the deaf and mute in France is equivalent to signing a check and in order to not be chased after you had to donate money. That's when my English skills disappeared, sorry 'bout it. #4. the people sitting outside at restaurants sit with tables in front of them facing the street rather than around the tables. Maybe they really like to people watch. #5. No matter how full you are, in Paris you can eat anything. Although we walked for about 5 hours neither of us was hungry before we made the trip back to Telecom. We knew there wouldn't be any options for food once we got back so we decided to get something to-go at a cute outdoor restaurant near the metro stop. To-go soon turned into shoving our faces and we both finished our salads and omlettes and even ordered dessert. Peach mebalu which was decorated so cute we had to be typical tourists again and take pictures with the sundae. Not to mention it was delicioussss. #6. Tori and I are very bad at navigating the metro. And that's all I have to say about that. Can't wait for more explorations tomorrow of Paris-which I now understand why has the nickname the city of love (bon appetit!)
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