Bonjour! And that's about all the French I know so to say the trip here was interesting is an understatement. I was really surprised everything went so smoothly getting on the flight. I met Tori at the airport and knowing us we were bound to goof up something so I felt great when I was finally settled in my seat on Air France. That was until a flight attendent started talking to me in half French half English which was semi-confusing slash I'm more than semi-deaf so it took quite a bit to understand he was asking if I'd switch seats. After lift off we went exploring the huge two level plane and then settled back in our seats because apparently we could watch movies, tv, or even a live webcam of the flight! (i'm new to this) The flight had 21 jump street, lion king, wine, and strawberry cake so I was basically in heaven. It wasn't until after I finished 2 movies and began to get really sleepy that I realized how vital a window seat really is. So bascially I didn't sleep at all on the plane so chugged some cups of coffee before we got off. French coffee must have some powerful stuff in it because over the past 35+ hours I've only slept about 2.5 hours (spooning Tori for warmth in a twin sized bed). Like I was saying, it was super surprising that we managed the flight and got our baggage and got on the train to Paris with no problems. That's just not my luck. So obviously we were due for some trouble and soon enough found ourselves lost on the metro. We had taken the green line as we were supposed to but the metro got quieter and quieter until we realized we were the only ones left on the train. We had been joking that the constant voice over the intercom was probably kicking us off until, ironically, a security guard came and grabbed our bags whisking us off as we were probably holding up the whole schedule. Woops (new to this too). So after this whole debacle and Tori trying to speak French to the man we figured out how to get back to where we were supposed to go. So bascially we made a 1.5 hour trip into a 2.5 hour one. All the while lugging our bags around, which thank goodness there were so many nice French men to help us carry them as we both had bags the size of small bears. Plus there aren't escalators in these metro spots (which, after our mistake, we were getting on and off quite a lot). With my blistered hands and bleeding feet (from dropping my bags all over the place getting flustered going on and off the train) we hit the road towards Telecom where we will be staying in dorms for the next month. I should also add in the fact that it was pouring down rain, my arms are basically falling off, and this university seems to be a lot further than we expected. Needless to say the whole trip was a good laugh and that's just what we did. In the middle of the road in Evry, France in the pouring rain with ginormous bags of luggage we just cracked up and took pictures of how ridiculous our situation was. But hey we made it!! And I'm super excited to be here and see Paris tomorrow and as much of France as I can! I really do love to travel (except it probably doesn't seem like it after this post) and can't wait for more adventures to come over this next month! As soon as we got to Telecom we found interns for the summer program who helped us to our rooms and configured our computers with wifi wooo! Then we took our power nap and woke up ravenous so took to exploring Evry and ended up at the mall (of course) eating dinner and fruit tarts and macroons! I'm already drooling for our crepe breakfast tomorrow!
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