Today was another day of exploring Paris! Tori, Decker, and I got on the metro and decided to just get off at a random stop. It was cool because we ended up somewhere that was definitely not touristy at all. After walking down some streets for a bit, including what we assume was a version of Little Italy we were starving and decided to get lunch at a little café. Thank goodness we have Tori as translator because since it wasn't such a touristy area the waiter didn't speak much English. It was the most obvious when he had to baaa to us to explain that one of the items was lamb. We got a nice bottle of Bourdeoux wine and I ordered my first croque madame, a recommendation from my friend Amanda who visited Paris a few months before. It was amazingly delicious and something I can order with confidence since I can't mess up the pronunciation too much. After we finished eating we went to a map to see what was nearby. We decided to walk towards the Eiffel tower and on the way saw the infamous lock wall! So we stopped and took lots of pictures and then ended up on a road that was a stretch of about 5 pet stores. It was crazy and I almost cried because all the puppies were too cute and I wanted to steal all of them. After that Tori and I obviously started to crave sweets so we found a small chocolatier and got some pieces. On our way to the Eiffel Tower we passed this building with a huge black gate so being our typical oblivious touristy selves starting taking pictures without a clue of what it even was. And then a guy came over and told us he lived there. Woops haha. He was actually really nice and told us the reason the gate was so tall is because the building used to be a statue factory and the exit had to be big enough for the statues to get out. The architecture was so pretty and he said it was built around the time of the Eiffel Tower, which at this point was right down the street from us. After taking some more pictures at the tower we decided to go get dinner. We got another bottle of nice French wine and decided to be even more cultural and ordered escargot. And it surprisingly wasn't that bad since it was drowned in pesto. After we finished Tori and I of course got ice cream and then we walked a little down the Champ D'elysee before heading home. It was another day of intense walking and getting the feel for the French and Paris life.
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