Today in class Reed presented about entrepreneurship across the world. He had us do an activity where we all split into our respective countries and rated our country on several factors to determine its entrepreneurship orientation. It was interesting to see how everyone rated their country because you got a unique viewpoint from people who actually live there. It was cool because since we've been here we keep learning more and more about every one's daily lives back home and even though we seem to be brought up in totally different places we all still have so many similarities. This trip is definitely helping make me worldlier and curious about issues I never really thought about before. This trip also definitely makes me want to study the crap out of a map. I'm embarrassed that I've become friends with people from Barbados or Croatia but up until today couldn't even tell you where those places are or even care to know. After all the geography tests I took throughout high school I thought I was doing pretty well but I've realized I don't know as much as I thought. Once I'm home I definitely want to make more of an effort to keep up to date with what's going on in the world. After classes the interns took us into Paris for a river cruise! It was awesome to be on the Seine and get a different view of all the sites. Plus we almost sweat to death on the metro ride in and the boat had such a nice breeze. After the cruise Tori, Kyrie, Danielle and me were starving so we broke away from the group to go find food. While we were wandering these guys asked if I could take a picture of them in front of the Eiffel tower. Then they started telling us about how they were Gevanchi models who had a few days off from their show. They invited us to go hangout near the Eiffel Tower with them but I don't have Liam Neeson's number and we didn't wanna take the risk. Guess we'll never know haha. We grabbed dinner at a vendor near the tower and then headed to the metro to go back to the dorms. We were bored waiting for the train and started being weird and fliming music videos jumping out from behind poles and making everyone think we were psycho. Whatever haha another good day of seeing more sides of Paris!
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