*Happy New Year*
Went to the police station to report my camera and what a nightmare! The man really wasn't paying me his full attention, going off to other cases and writing my statement for me! He said I was from British, didn't even ask for the make of my camera and was slightly pervy too hhmm. Finally after writing my report he told me to return the next day to pick up my offical document so I can send it to Project Trust to claim insurance, only to turn up and for them to say they'd lost my statement! I rang today and I was told that the man who has the stamp doesn't work on New Years day. I'm heading back tomorrow to, fingers crossed, finally get some kind of report!
New Years Eve as a group we decided just to head into Kampala.
To start the night off we went to Bubbles, an Irish Pub, especially for our Irish friend Sophie. Sophie is 17 years old, 18 in Feb and she took a pledge not to drink any alcohol until her 18th and she's kept to it! It's fantastic and she's such a great girl that she doesn't need to be under the influence of alcohol anyway :) Sophie has such a wild personality that we're all actually quite scared about the day she finally has her first drink, it's going to be crazy.
So anyway, after Bubbles we headed to a local Karoke bar. The girls were all up singing, I Will Survive by Tina Turner was a big hit ;)
We then went to what Red Pepper the Newspaper described as 'Only miss it if you must party' it was a huge party in the gardens of Sheraton Hotel with all the best local artists playing and fireworks display. Turning up it was packed and tickets were 10,000Ush. I dont know how I did it but I just took Shauns hand and we walked in, free of charge ;) People say I look like La Roux, who is an American artist, so as a joke I said to Caitlin I'm gonna get us up on stage. We went walking to try our luck, I didn't even use the La Roux line, we just walked straight up onto stage! Next thing we're dancing infront of thousands upon thousands of people, then the rest of the group saw that we managed to do it and then all of us are up on stage with the Ugandas version of Kayne West, J-Lo etc :) I even got my photo taken with Bebe Cool - He's huge out here :)
They didn't do a count down which was a shame as next thing fireworks are going off with all our confused faces, it was midnight and 2010 had come :)
We then headed to Iguana we we stayed for a few hours dancing the night away. Managed to save myself 10,000Ush again, saying I'd already been in once and that I was outside getting some fresh air ;)
We lost the key to the hotel room, so Emily went back first and managed to get us another room for the night. It was dodgy as we had 8 people in a 3 person room but it was okay and 5am we hit our pillows after a really good night out! :)
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves too.
So I'll conclude on, Welcome to 2010, I hope it's a good one!! :) x x x x
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