Terrible photos of me from this adventure but you can all have a laugh. So having a taste of white water rafting we move on to black water rafting which involves rafting in water in caves underground. There is no light what so ever except for the hundreds of glow worms that light up the ceiling. The tour guide would create a loud BANG and that would cause them to react and start glowing stronger (not sure how or why that worked). We each had our rubber ring to help us float and we'd weave our way through the underground caves. A few times you would go round the corner and you could suddenly hear gushing water as you got closer you'd realise its a waterfall, and that you would be jumping off it!!!. the first one we jumped off backwards holding the rubber ring against your bum, that was great fun. the second one was just like a water slide.
This is the last extreme sport we did. im saving the bungee jump till Queenstown i think. On the sunday we stopped over at hamilton and dropped joel off as he was going to go off travelling while i worked.
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