Ahhhh did a sky dive today wooooooooooo!!!!!! it was from 12000ft and the view was amazing. it was near where they filmed mordor and mt doom for lord of the rings. we were right next to the lake (biggest lake in nz i think) we were vey lucky with the weather as it was forecast rainy but we really wanted to do one as its sooo cheap out here 80 pounds! bit cheaper than the sponsored one i did in england. so yeah the weather was a clear patch of sky right over the lake. Perfect!! Joel loved it too, his first time so Racheal i think we'v got another one converted hehe.
That afternoon we were buzzing, and my parents drove us to Mt Doom. you can normally do a walk up to the top but we just missed the last gondola or group to go up so we just got to see it, then drove all the way back. That evening we went down to a river which runs out of the lake. it has a stream which runs into it over some rocks which has beautifully hot water. it was like having a hot shower in a river. so nice just as the sunset. Then had to run back to the car wet in the dark and hoping we didnt get bit by mosquitoes (know theyre not as bad as in the peruvian jungle but im not happy to see them again)
Luckily we managed to re book our rafting for the friday, so early friday morning we drove back to Rotorua, its only about 2 or so hours drive. We panic about not having insurance for a grade 5 river, but were then told 15 minutes before we go to do it that noones ever needed it so... off we trot to raft the worlds highest comercially rafted waterfall.
That was sooo much fun!!!! there was just 4 of us in our raft plus two guides. there where 2 small 1m waterfalls that were kinda practice ones i guess, then some rapids in between then we reach the BIG ONE. just to make us nervous they hover at the top telling us to stand up and look over the edge ... ahhhhh! well we had clear instruction as to how we'd all tuck ourselves in as we went over the edge, i was just praying we didnt flip over. well off we went and it was brilliant! it happened in slow motion for me and then you suddenly think , yeah probably be a good idea to hold your breath now. and then splash the whole raft goes underwater. I didnt realise it until i saw the photos that were taken, they look great (check them out). After the big one they just showed us rapid surfing, which involved sticking sumone at the front and paddling towards a waterfall of water, the water would splash into the raft and cause that end to sink under water, the person in the front gets drowned for a few seconds and you kind of ride the waterfall. that was funny the first time becasue we had no idea what we were doing paddling towards the bottom of a waterfall.
It was a shame when we got to the end of the rapids but we wernt staying dry for long, the next day me and my parents decided to do black water rafting.......
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