We arrived at 6.40 am in Kuala Lumpur after a very cold night, it really was freezing! We ate some breakfast at the station and headed to this hostel, called monkee inn, that the Scottish guy told us about. To find it was a piece if cake and we pay like 30 Swedish sek each including breakfast tomorrow. We checked out a few nearby temples, both Hindu and chinese. On the way to central Market and merdeka square, we got spit at twice, so Emelie but a shirt on over her tank top, then the spitting stopped..
Unfortunately it started raining so we got a bit wet on our walk, but there was more rain to come.. We had a stroll around the beautiful lake gardens, they had a deer park and an orchid park, lots of different flower gardens and a massive war monument at the top which was pretty amazing.
By that time we were pretty hungry, and eventually we found a "food stall", the thing was they didn't sell food there. So we had to by Malaysian snacks, pastries with sardines, potato balls with coconut, slimy rice balls with coconut inside, potato sponge cake that was green and rolls with different fillings, cream and red kidney bean paste that tasted like chocolate. Then it really started raining! Like a monsoon, and thunder and lightning really close by. We waited about half an hour until it subsided slightly, but after a few meters it started tipping it down again! So we ran for shelter and waited another 10minutes. By this time Krista was getting impatient, so she persuaded Emelie to walk through the rain towards a mosque we'd seen earlier.
We got there soaking, then had to take our shoes off and put on a muslim dress and shawl that were cerise in colour. The mosque was really nice, but it felt a bit weird being all covered up.
We returned to our hostel and had some Chinese lunch, booked a train ticket to Johor tomorrow and had a look at Petronas Twin Towers by night, so amazing!! It was a really cool sight, especially coming up from the underground which is right by the building, you just see huge buildings towering over you, it was really cool.
We were gonna check out a night Market and street bands but Krista had accidentally thrown the map away.. So we had to go back home, we were exhausted anyway!
- comments
Mormor Stegräknare hade varit något för er! Tidsbesparande med dusch under promenerandet. Såg några bilder på Hostels i Johor. Verkar trevligt. Ni får bra tips av andra trotters, tycks det. Janet i "A Town like Alice" vandrade under kriget i en grupp kvinnor och barn med japanska fångvaktare utan mål i "era trakter".(verklighetsbakgrund!).Kram
Mormor Woon very interesting but you have to remember the rules on morality are a lot strickter than ours so be careful but glad your'e still enjoying yourselves x
Joshy Haha, great :D Hope youre having a wonderful time, am proper jealous at this point ;) x
yvette hi chuck it takes me back being spit at! and that was only in greece but years ago l suppose. wow ur having such a grt time, me too proper jealous. xx
Chennaicocks Great work! Thanks a lot for sarnihg. I used to stay/work in KL for almost 10 years and it's fun to look at photos of KL after a long absence. Gotta drop by KL someday soon.