We had a look around the city today. There were loads of Chinese temples and lots of historical monuments. The temples were very extravagant and impressive, especially Khoo Kongsi, the largest temple on Penang. Its also been in the film "Anna and the King".
Time for lunch and Little India, shops and stalls selling everything from saris to bollywood music. We each had a chicken tikka masala, which was very tasty.
We then walked to the town hall and fort Cornwallis. A fort built by Francis light when he landed on Penang, it was pretty cool, but were so hot and tired we couldn't really appreciate it.
We returned home for some well needed rest, then set off for penangs largest building. But we never got there.. We found a huge shopping centre and Starbucks frappucino instead! We left with some new items, like a diesel watch and a D&G watch (authentic of course!)
After we'd packed our stuff and left the Guest House, we took a bus to the jetty and boarded the ferry back to the main land and train station. We met a nice Scottish guy on the other side "Weeble" and had an expensive meal with him, about 10sek a plate!
The train left at 11pm, no sleepers left so we had to sit :(
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