Was actually up and out of bed quite early today! Had a nice cold shower .... I miss my hot shower so much and regret taking it for granted all the time - please let there be hot showers in Australia! Today I decided to find the shopping mall although I probably should have checked the opening times before I left. Ended up following people into the shopping mall who worked there and then just found myself stood in a closed dark shopping mall wandering around like a lost tourist. Turns out it didn't open till 11am and I was there at half 9 in the morning - oops! Quickly made my way back out and back to my hotel. Ventured out again around midday for some food - went for good old KFC and then found an American type ice cream sundae place (basically ice cream heaven). Went back to the shopping mall which was luckily open and had plenty of people walking around. It wasn't that great though, not many shops, although there was a marks and Spencer's there. After I was all shopped out I went back to the hotel and chilled, watched a movie and read a book on my kindle. Going to go to a more touristy market tomorrow so that should be good! E x
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