Sorry it's been a while since I've posted something - trying to find free wifi is so hard here! Refusing to pay for wifi now, it's too expensive. So since I last posted, we travelled to River Valley to a remote lodge where there was a big fireplace in the middle of the room and we just sat around chatting and drinking. We then had the best roast dinner ever, it was sooooo good!! After that we played some drinking games and then when we slept in beds that were very close together. In the morning we had a nice cooked breakfast and then we were off again to Wellington. On the way we stopped and went on a two hour walk to see a couple of waterfalls. After that we eventually got to Wellington where we decided to have a night out (even though we have a 4 hour ferry ride today). It wasn't too bad although I've definitely had better nights out!
Today we had to be on the bus at half 7 in the morning and it was a quick 5 minute ride to the ferry which we've now been on for 2 hours, with two more hours to go! Can't believe I've done the north island already! Time to see what the south has to offer. Speak soon x
- comments
B Kerr Just seen your skydive on Jasmines phone. What an experience sounds like you are having a wonderful time. All our love Nan and Grandad xx