Well we left Wellington in the morning, it was a bit of a drive to Taupo so we only had a few short stops to get some food and we got to Taupo in the afternoon. Kev had put his name down to do the sky dive, so we stopped at the skydive centre ont he way into town but unfortunately the weather wasnt good enough for him to do it so they rebooked him for the next morning.
We then got taken to our hostel which was called urban retreat i think, it was really nice cosy little place and only 5 mins walk away from the supermarket so that was good. When we got there our bus driver said he'd drive us up to the natural hot springs, so we all got out bathers and towels and jumped back ont he bus, we then walked about 40 minutes to the springs but when we got there it wasnt really what we expected, it was like a stream into the river and didnt look very clean but then they were natrual so we should have expected that really. Anyway there were already some people in there and it wanst very big but some others got out and we all jumped in, it was nice and hot but we didnt really want to sit in it very long so me and kev got out after about 15 mins and everyone else followed shortly afterwards.
We then all made the walk back into town which took about half hour and went back to the hostel to get some money so we could go to the supermarket to buy dinner for the evening. The hostel had a chili deal on for 5 dollars so i had that and kev bought some sausages and mash for his dinner. After dinner we just got an early night as kev had his sky dive in the morning.
Kev woke up about 7 the next morning getting nervous about the sky dive but the weather was on off all day and they skydive put his jump back from 11 to 2 so we ended up sitting around all day waiting to see if it was going to go ahead or not. Eventually at 2 we got told it wasnt going ahead and they booked him in for the next day. The rest of the day we just had dinner and watched a film before going to bed. The next morning kev woke early again the weather was much better but the skydive centre put his jump back from 11 to 12. Still not sure if it was going ahead or not we waited around until the phone rang and a lady came to tell us we had ten minutes before they were picking us up. The drive to the sky dive centre wasnt very long and kev was getting scared the whole way lol. Once there we watched some videos of other peoples jumps and kev got all his gear on, i was taking photos of him as he was getting ready lol. Eventually about 1 it was his turnt o go up in the plain it was only him and another boy, kev was going up to 12000 ft and the other boy to 15000 so kev had to go first which meant i could get some pics of him as it was only him in the sky so that was gd.
When he eventually came down he said he really enjoyed it, he said they took so long to come down because of the clouds, they had to wait until there was more visibility for him to jump as he was getting filmed. Kev said at one point he was sat on the edge with the door to the plain open and then the camera man said no cant jump and they reshut it again so he had to wait around even longer till the clouds moved. But he got to jump at last and he said he loved it and def do it again. For the rest of that day we went and got a pizza hut and had a look round the shops and then got another early night as the next day we had to get up at 6 30 to go to Waitomo to do the black water rafting, but i will write about that in our next blog. love you lots elise and kevin xxxxxxxxxxxx
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