So we left Kaikoura about 9am on Saturday morning and made our way to picton to get our ferry to Wellington. On the way we stopped to get some food and some other stops to look at seals which we had already done on our last trip round. Once in Picton we checked in our bags at the ferry terminal and had about an hour to wait til the ferry was due, so me kev steph, aaron and ben all went for a walk up the shop to get something to eat for our three hour journey. In the shop they had some chocolate deals and you can win a free chocolate bar so everyone got some chocolate aaron ended up wining one and kev managed to win twice so he was lucky. Me kev and ben then all got ice cream from next door before heading back to the terminal for the ferry.
The ferry took you through malborough sounds on the way to Wellington so we all went up to the deck to get some pics but after getting a few it was so cold we went back underneith to sit in the warm lol aaron, steph and ben got some more pics before coming down to see us. We eventually got to Wellington about 5 30 and got on the kiwi bus to our hostel, we all tried to get in a room together but there wasn a spare room for all of us to fit into one which was a shame, but we all decided to go to the Wellington Vs Canterbury rugby match that night so arranged to chuck our bags into our room and meet downstairs to get our tickets.
With our tickets we got two free drinks after the match and face painting, so we all went downstairs to get our faces painted aaron had some weirdo come up to him and started painting his face, thinking he was doing the rugby themes but ended up haveing a big moustache and beard lol so once we had all laughed at him he got it washed off and got it repainted by someone who was actually supposed to be doing the face painting lol.
We then walked round to the bus stop to get the stadium bus which was rammed lol and once at the stadium we all got some food before taking our seats. The game was ok but our team was rubbish lol and people started walking out before the end but we cheered them on anyway and they scored two goals at the very end lol but still lost 14-36 lol we were just happy we got to cheer at something tho lol as it was soo cold. We all thought the rugby was a gd thing to go and see and had a gd time but it had a lot of pauses and we all agreed football was better and made more sence lol.
After the game we got the bus back and went and got ourselves dominos which was very nice, we took it down to the bar underneith base and ate it there with our free drinks before saying goodbye to steph, aaron and ben as we were leaving for Taupo the next day and they were staying in Wellington as they have a little bit more time then we do.
So me and kev got up early on Sunday morning nearly missed our bus from being so tired from getting up everyday and travelling from place to place, but we made it just in time and made our journey to Taupo where we are at the moment so will update you on that shortly. Love you lots not long now and we will be home :) xxxxxx
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