So we got up on Wednesday morning really early to get our bus to Waitomo, we had to take all our bags and stuff with us as after the trip we were getting dropped off at Rotorua, a boy on our bus had just been there and gave us a name of a hostel to stay at so that was gd and the bus driver booked it for us, so we were all sorted out for when we got to rotorua. The drive to Waitomo was about 2 hours altogether and once there we paid for the trip we wanted, me and kev were doing the black abyss, we then got something to eat whilst we waited for some more people to turn up and start the 11 o clock trip.
At 11 we all got taken down to get our wetsuits. helmets and harness equipment and then we all got on the bus to drive to the caves. It was only about 7 minutes to the caves and before we started we had to learn how to abseil, there were some ropes atached to a wall going down a hill so they showed us what we had to do and we had a few practises before satrting the tour.
The first part of the trip was to abseil down a cave there was only two girls on the trip and the boys decided to let us go first (i think they were scared) i went after the other girl, it was quite scary, halfway down you couldnt see anything above or below, and the cave walls were slimy looking, as i was making my way down i though it was a never ending tunnel until i came to the bottom all of the sudden, you didnt even relise you were at the bottom till ur feet touched it as it was so dark. I then got released from the rope by the guy at the bottom and went and sat with the other girl, the bloke told us to turn our head touches off to save the battery so we had to sit there in the dark untilt he boys got down, i was just waiting for one of those creatures from the descent to come and get us lol.
After everyone made it down we walked through the cave a little bit until we got to the zip line were we got attached one by one by our harnesses and got pushed along the wire to the end, i was scared of that not knowing how fast it was or what was at the bottom, but it wasnt that bad the zip line was quite a small one. Once everyone had come dwon the line we all got given some hot chocolate and a biscuit to warm us up before we had to jump in the freezing cold water, before i jumped the guide gave me a kidney belt to keep me warm which was great and worked lol. We all got given black rubber tubes and had to jump one by one into the water it took me a few counts until i jumped in lol. We then all paddled our way up the stream untill we got to the end, then we all got into like a train line, the person in front holding onto the one behinds feet and the guide got us all to turn off our lights and pulled us along back to the beggining where we jumped in, it was so pretty going along, all the glow worms lit up the cave from above like little stars.
Once back at the begining we chucked our tubes back up to one of the guides and walked along more of the cave going in the other direction, we then floated along the current at some parts as well and went down a small slide. After a while of walking we stopped again and got some hot orange juice and some chocolate, we then got told to hold our cup over our torch on our helmet and we each got giving a letter to spell out and the other guide was going to take a picture, we all thought it was abit weird but after they showed us the picture we saw that it came out really well, we spelt frangold im not sure what that meant tho lol, we then got to do our own little things me and kev done some swigly things lol.
After drawing stuff with our lights lol the guide chucked some hot water down my back lol which was great apar from when i went back in the water it felt colder lol, we then walked on until we came to a crossroad in the cave, we had a choice of calm and easy or dangerous and deadly. All of us went the deadly way apart from kev as the first bit of the deadly way lol we had to go through a small gap with a waterfall on the other side and kev felt a bit clostraphobic so decided to go the easier way. The way i went we had to climb up the cave wall over the top of the waterfall and then make our way through a sort of tunnel bit which then opened out more into like a little cave then we walked on and had to climb another waterfall and then make our way out the top, where kev was standin waiting for us all.
We then walked back to the van and made our way back to the centre were we got hot showers, soup and bagels before making our way to rotorua. :)
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