So today we started our stray adventure! Caught the bus a short walk from our hostel at 7:40 and the bus was almost full! Once we got going we had to go to the front one by one and introduce ourselves, say where we were from etc. A few English people here, German, Dutch, Swiss, Swedish, Finnish and Irish. Most people are aged between 20 and 30 but there's one lady who must be in her 50s and another in her late 60s/70s!
Made a stop for hot choc and another for a supermarket stop on the way to or accommodation at Hahei. In the supermarket we spotted the Irish guy we'd been out with last Thursday as he was doing the kiwi experience tour. Our accommodation is in tiny little cabins tonight. Quick change into swimming stuff then the bus dropped us off at cathedral cove carpark and we walked 40 mins down the the beach. Stunning views, large waves and really blue sea. Seriously hot though. After that we went to a hot springs beach were boiling hot water naturally occurs as magna under the earths surface is closer than usual there. Everyone on the bus joined in with the digging to build a sand wall to capture the hot water and make own pool. The water was so so hot I think I burned my feet! Tonight is a group BBQ.
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