The overnight sleeper train was late leaving and very late arriving. Still it was very comfortable. It was exactly the same as the Russian sleeper trains. Luckily I had a cabin to myself for most of the way.
I walked the length of the corniche this arvo looking for a felucca to go to Luxor next week. It is not looking too promising at the minute and the felucca sellers are all dodgy as. They keep offering me a "Nubian banana". I dunno what that is but they tend to whisper it and sound really creepy. There is no way I'm going in a boat with some of them. The alternative is a massive river cruiser full of pissed up eurotrash or the train? I will keep looking.
I'm at the Hathor hotel. It is right on the waterfront and had been closed for remodel. Looks like the remodel didn't happen but the rooms are OK and at $7 it will do me just nicely.
So today was pretty relaxed. I walked through the cemetery to the unfinished stelae. It is a giant chunk of rock they were going to carve but found a flaw in it so gave up. If they had finished it would have been the biggest rock carving ever. Then I went for a felucca ride around elephantine island. ALL the boat men are dodgy so I am not going on felucca to Luxor. I think I have booked on to a big cruiser. Not really sure but I know I will end up in Luxor.
Tomorrow I am on the local bus to Abu simbel for 2 days then back here and the boat to Luxor.
Yesterday I was offered a spot on the 3.30 mini bus to Abu Simbel but I turned it down cos I didn't want another early start. So this morning I go to the bus station for the bus and it is a Muslim holiday and there is no bus today. Someone coulda told me? So now I'm on the 3.30 mini bus tomorrow.
To fill in the day I went for a walk through the tourist market. It is all closed. Everything is closed. The only thing I saw was the butcher butchering some cows. I will spare you the details but it was pretty disgusting. It even turned my guts. The young Muslim boys are out in packs and they all have their smart mouth in. Looks like being a long day. And to think I coulda been in Abu Simbel? Wait till you see the temple I will show you from there.
- comments
Ape As the song says. "Don't pay the ferryman to you get to the other side"
John They are not Ferry they are felucca and they are dodgy as.