USA Travels
After a long journey on a very rough road we have arrived at Siem Reap. THE JOURNEY WAS VERY VERY BUMPY, IM NOT QUITE SURE WHY THEY BOTHERED WITH THE RUMBLE STRIPS AS THEY WERE BY FAR THE SMOOTHEST BITS. We have stocked up with beer and tonic, taken the Landry out and are now going for a swim. What to say about yesterday and our visit to the Killing Fields. Grim. I was amazed and bemused at people snapping away at holes in the ground where bodies had been dug up. I cannot imagine that moment either individually or with friends when the holiday snaps come out and you proudly reveal the grave that contained 450 headless corpses. What a lift to the spirit- not. I did not visit the prison where the torture went on but had a wander through the streets and played with a small child in a cafe. I think I felt better for that. Enough of the rant. Phnom Penh reminded us of Malaysia, quite run down with mucky markets and manic traffic. The people don't seem to smile much and armed police are everywhere. The cyclo tour was brilliant. Not much to see but great fun as we diced with the traffic. You just have to realise that they do this every day - and only limp slightly.... Bought a couple of t shirts on the market and enjoyed a Khemer Massage. As you will gather this was all undone by the bus journey today. Eight hours, with stops, on dodgy roads. Some tar but mostly dust. We did have fish & chips at the lunch stop but Ruth now feeling a bit under the weather with motion sickness.I'D LIKE TO ADD THAT DAVID SLEPT THROUGH THE WORST BIT, HOW HE DOES IT I DO NOT KNOW, HE SAYS ITS A GIFT, BUT A NIP ON THE ARM EVENTUALLY WOKE HIM UP! Visiting various Wats tomorrow and the famously Angkor Wat the next day before our return to Thailand.
- comments
Philipa Hi guys, well it all sounds very Philus Fogg. Don't think i would have survived the bumpy road. I can't even be driven around Chicken roundabout without throwing. Apparently to overcome it you have to sway with the motion, tilt your head, or something like you do when driving yourself... Lots of love to you both.x
Sam Good it looks like youre bums on the floor lol
carol maycock Think how tonned your bodies will be after all that bumping around on the road, a bit like one of those toning machines at the gym!
Diane What an experience! Happy Birthday David and Ruth Happy Belated birthday - certainly one to remember the pair of you with all your wonderful memories. Look after each other. Have had a lovely Roast Chicken dinner at Becky's tonight. All on form and keeping well. Our love to you both. Diane and Paul, Becky, Carl, Gaby, Samuel and Joe