Today is the day. Today my first semester at HPU is over! It feels kind of weird...
A lot has happened during these few past days. Obviously I had my finals. And I think they went ok. However, I have also moved during this time. Last time I believe I mentioned briefly of me moving to a different room. And so I have.
The process was quite frustrating, as the student housing office called me a week ago on Tuesday and told me that I would have to move that upcoming weekend. Well, that couldn't have been more poorly timed. Literally right before finals week. They said that they needed the room empty for some group that is coming this spring, and thus have to "condense" the students that currently live here. As they said that this group wouldn't be arriving until spring, I asked them if it could possibly wait until January, and I would move in the middle of winter break, as then I would have plenty of time to have my sister over and THEN pack up and get comfy in my new room. Unfortunately they said that this wasn't possible. So I guess the group is coming this winter, rather than this spring...
Anyway, since they said that I couldn't stay in my old room until January, I gave up and said that I'll move Saturday. So Friday night I pack up my stuff and get ready to schlep it all three floors up to the fourth floor the next day.
Never mind that. When I got downstairs on Saturday to get the key to my new room, they didn't have it. To be honest, the people down in the lobby didn't know anything about my move. So, here I was, all of my stuff packed and ready to go, and nothing. Disappointed of the development, and frankly quite annoyed, I went back upstairs to my room and e-mailed the office. So for the next three days, I lived out of my suitcases, because I knew that there was no point in unpacking them. On Monday when the office people got back to work, they called me again, and said that I could move Tuesday. Tuesday just so happened to be my day off from finals, which was good. But I was still not able to move until after 5 p.m.
The actual move itself wasn't too bad. My old roommate was kind enough to help me with carrying all of my stuff upstairs, so the entire process was pretty fast. And I really like the new room. Mainly because it has it's own balcony, rather than the shared one I had in the previous room, which just worked as a garbage chute for the upper floors. So in the end, even though my current room is smaller, I am really happy about the move. I just didn't appreciate the process. My old roommate was really nice, and luckily so is my new one. So I don't have a problem with that either.
All's well that ends well I suppose.
Oh, and I just bought a new bookshelf! My books finally have a home!
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