Today we are going to Silverton about 30kms west of Broken Hill. This town is famous for the movies that have been shot here - Mad Max 2, A Town Like Alice, Reckless Kelly. The Silverton Hotel has also been the backdrop for a number of ads on TV.
The town is very arty with a number of museums. The artwork seems very similar to John Murray (Lightning Ridge) with the big google eyed emus and the play on words type art. We have a look at a few buildings, the gaol/museum and have lunch at the pub. We even see some real Sturt desert pea. On the way back we stop in and have a look at Penrose Park, a camp ground in Silverton which seemed nice - lots of room.
Heading back to Broken. Hill we called in at the The Living Desert - a number of sculptures on a hill outside the town. Each piece had a plaque explaining the vision of the artist and what the sculpture depicts. There were a couple that were really quite good but Martin and I had a lot of trouble "seeing" what the artist did.
Back to camp and Martin had a snooze as he wasn't feeling 100% and I caught up on some reading. Martin had his heart set on watching the football but an AFL fan beat him to the TV. A quiet night in the van as it's getting cool after dark.
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