21 May 12
Got the night bus last night, not a bad journey or bus. Arrived in Phnom Penh this morning at 6.30am to be told needed to leave the bus and get on another bus to Sihanoukville. Decided to go and get some breakfast as the next bus isn't coming until 7.15. Got back to the bus station at 7.15.45 to see our bus pulling away and leave the station. The staff were rude, saying we were late and wouldn't call the bus back - since when did buses leave on time in SE Asia!! Had to pay to have our tickets changed and wait until 9 for the next bus - went and slept in a restaurant!
Finally arrived in Sihanoukville at 12 and booked in to Monkey Republic.
First stop the beach Serendipity/Ochheuteal beach...I have missed the beach!!
The sea is full of waves which I am having fun jumping. The beach isn't amazing but it a nice beach and I have a sun lounger, so relax. Well I would relax if I wasn't hassled constantly by children trying to sell brackets and women selling manicures, pedicures, foot scrubs and hair removal. I just want to sleep in the sun, leave me alone!!
Tonights dinner is BBQ on the beach - chicken kebabs!!
First night at Monkey and Maria sleeps on the floor after being bitten by bed bugs...nice!!
22 May 12
Otres beach today - prettier beach, and more importantly quieter with hardly any sellers!!
Need a quite night tonight so off to the 'cinema'. You pick you DVD film you want to watch, and watch it in your own private room (with sofas and air-con - luxury!)!
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