A quiet morning cruising along the Main River. It was enjoyable sitting on the deck in the sunshine watching the countryside float past. We are still in Franconia and going into the Main Danube Canal at Bamburg which has been designated a UNESCO world heritage site. Our port in Bamburg is in the dock area and not part of the delightful towns we have previously docked at. We had another excellent guide who led us through the cobblestoned streets to Bamburg Cathedral pointing out sites of interest along the way. The cathedral is full of carved stone statues and saegachoeus the most famous being the Bamburg Rider dating back to around 1225-1237. A full sized statue of a horse it is thought the rider may be King Stephen of Hungry, also buried there is Pope Clement 2nd. Pictured above is the original Town Hall of the city built out over the water. A sample of the famous smoky beer was a treat for the men but the ladies decided to view the shops.
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