Yesterday I went to Rottnest Island. A bunch of people from the P&O were booking a day trip to Rottnest. The plan was to take the ferry at 8:30am and return at 6:00pm, but for some reason I was only able to book a ferry leaving at 8:45am and returning at 4:00pm. This was very frustrating because I was the only person that had this problem. I checked online several times to see if I could switch times to go with everybody else, but I had no luck. I figured there were just not any more spots available. I was planning on leaving from Perth, so I would have had to catch a thirty minute train ride early in the morning. Friday night right before bed, I asked a friend what time he was going to catch the train in the morning, and I figured I would just go with everybody else and take the next ferry after theirs. My friend looked at me confused and said he wasn't taking the train. It turned out that everybody else booked the ferry out of Fremantle, not Perth. That made sense, and I realized what I had done wrong. So I had to get up really early and call the Rottnest Island Express service to see if I could switch. If I would not have been able to switch, I probably would have cancelled my trip. However, I was able to switch really easily. Thank God! Rottnest Island is about 19km off of the coast and was a 25min ferry ride. We rented bikes because they are the only way around the island. Holy crap, I had to do more biking on that island than I hope to ever do again in my life! It was a blast, but I am pretty sore and everybody was pooped after all of the biking. I read on a map that the bike trip around the whole island takes about 3-5 hours without stopping and is over 22km. Thankfully we stopped quite a few times to see the sights and hit the beaches, but I figure we probably rode over 30km yesterday. There were a bunch of great snorkeling spots, so we got to see a bunch of cool fish. The island is also known to be the only place that has quokkas. These are little fury marsupials. They are kind of like little hamster kangaroos. You can check out some of my pics. They are cute little guys that hop around just like kangaroos and are very peaceful. The ones we saw were always looking for some food or water. I held out some water in the cup of my hand and the little guys would drink it right from my hand. They were very soft and easy to pet. I didn't see any snakes, but a couple people did. Rottnest is known for its deadly, poisonous snakes. It was kinda nerve racking to step off the path, but we did a couple times to check out some sweet rock formations and such. Some of the waves off of the coast were huge. They probably the biggest that I have ever seen. They were bigger than the ones in Monterey, CA (Some were like 25ft). I am definitely sore from biking yesterday and a got a good chunk of sun too. I could have done a better job of sun screening. Oh well. Overall Rottnest was a great time, and I will be going camping there with a smaller group of people later in the semester for a couple days if everything goes as planned. Sorry I haven't been blogging as much lately. There haven't been many things that are too exciting. Sure going to the beach weekly is great, but not too exciting of blog material. There is a lot of great group bonding in the P&O, and a lot of us have gone to a few fun Australian house parties as well. A couple of singers/band members at the Orient Bar (Our bar) have been to csbsju and have been very hospitable. My first paper (3000 words) was due last Thursday, and I believe that it went pretty well. It was a long research paper, and I am glad to be done with it. I am going to try and work on some of my other papers a bit early so I don't get too overwhelmed when they are all due. I am going to post some Rottnest pictures today and add some more Freo pics (from other people on Facebook). I'll try to post captions so you know where and what the pics are from. There were a lot more Rottnest pics with me in them, and I'll post those when other people put them on Facebook. Enjoy!
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