I was touched to read your last blog entry. You have really become an excellent writer and you touched me with the comment that you "most importantly learned about yourself" while you were gone. You are such an awesome son and I am so glad that you had the opportunity to travel abroad this past semester. You deserved it for sure. I love you and can't wait to see you on Sunday.
Travel safely,
Danielson- I'm excited for you to come back. There's no way we could ever catch up on all the fun and exciting things you've been up to lately- it seems like overall it was a great time, with many memories! Although I'm sure we can't go through all of it- we can sure try! I have missed you bunches and it will be great having you around again. See you soon!
Dear Dan,
It was great to chat this morning. Good luck on your 2 last finals. I am so proud of how great you are doing in your classes and what a talented writer you have become.
I was surprised to hear about the weather being chilly there now and that you are looking forward to Minnesota summer. I am glad that you are coming back on Sunday!! We have so much to chat about and catch up on. (Yes, there is also lots to be done to keep up with the yard and I love your enthusiasm for that.)
Travel Safely.
Love, Mom
Ms. Kendall
Your blog is amazing, you could say i am just a bit behind considering you are about to come back and i finally have taken the time to look at all you have posted. Your experiences have been nothing short of INCREDIBLE and what a wonderful job you have done blogging about it for us to see :) Well, i too am very excited for your arrival as there is tons o fun to be had!!!!!
Pete Ganzer
Probably a safe bet to steer clear of the boom boom.
Dear Dan,
OMG what an amazing time you are having. (I wonder if you are getting enough to drink ...) I am so happy for you and your experiences abroad. The pics you are blogging are so breathtaking. I can't wait to hear about Malaysia and more importantly I can't wait for you to come home. I miss you terribly!!!
Love ya
Thanks again for all the posts. Yes Izzy, it was a sea turtle, and it was very tasty!
Hi Daniel Boy- Mom told me about how you scored really well on your paper- and deservedly so! I am so proud of you...usually you were always the math and science one and I was the one to write well...but it sounds like you have been learning a lot in addition to all the fun having! You are so Aussie these days! Ha I bet I won't be able to understand you when you come back. You use all these weird words and it's so funny to me! Well keep up the good paper and blog writing- I miss you and luv ya!
I miss you and hope you come home soon. We miss you. Thanks for the great photos and postcards. love sarah
Dear Dan,
Iszy and I just read your blog with your paper included. We thought it was really interesting and well written. We give you 5 stars for sure!! How awesome to hear about your aspirations for family life. Your experience really reminds me of the outer islands of the Bahamas where my uncle was a missionary. I also learned about inclusion and living simply. I am so happy that you have had this opportunity to learn and grow.
I love you, Dan.
by turtle do you mean the ice cream turtle or the animal turtle?