The warm sun on my face, tricking streams in the background with the gentle sound of sheep bells up
The mountain and not so gentle marmot calls.
Another simply awesome day and one I’ve been looking forward to for a few years now. The Col du Somellier on my third attempt as last time in 2019 it was closed due to rockfall.
Absolutely freezing night had every stitch on and was still cold. Resorted to putting waterproof over sleeping bag feet and putting bike tarp over me.
Met so many people and riders and nice people today that it’s going to be hard to justice to them all. This track certainly does attract people from all over - Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Australia!
Turned off alarm went back to sleep then it was 7 m. Cold I made a coffee.
Waiting for the Col to open (8-9 pm) seemed quiet and not wanting to break the peace I waited. Now
7.49 4x4 truck can be heard it was builders going up to build a new refuge on top of Col du Bonette.
The Swiss couple left and I got ready quickly and headed up. Feeling rusty as this was the first serious off rd on the f800 in almost 3 years. Stopped many times for pics, thankful for my repaired heated grips.
It was easier than I remembered or has my riding improved? Some very steep off camber slipping clutch in 1 st gear corners. Could feel arm pump and my stomach muscles working overtime - reflecting was fitter last time.
Reached top and the last section was where I hugged the cliff last time and destroyed my tool tube and dented bash plate.
Builders making a new walkers refuge. Saddened to see the lake and Glacier had both retreated significantly in 3 years.
A troops camper had stayed the night and a extrovert woman waved so I went over. Coffee she said … happy days.
Oliver and Ellen wow v great couple had stayed at 3000 metres, beckoned me. I went over - coffee ☕ they know how to make friends. Then bread with grandfathers honey been making it since 1945 wow it tasted especially good at 3000 metres.
We sorted the world as I went to talk to other riders, 3 French all on specked up Teneres.
Walk …
3 French fully worked land rovers, send image to …pastis, ok if I must.
Return, drone images.
German dr 350, more Germans one from Autsberg…
Beers 🍻 x 3 too
Nice neighbours.
Dinner tuna and
Me done ✔
What where next ..
Shattered blog then bed at 8.30 …
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