ok......since i last wrote i have actually physically jumped out of a plane and im still alive!! I left Franz early morning and had another beautiful scenic journey to Wanaka, the coach company is really good as they do occasional comments on well known scenery that we are passing and we make several stops at look out points, for piccies! I arrived in Wanaka at 2.30ish and passed the lake in the photo on the way and Lake Wanaka is pretty similar, quite spectaular to look at especially as luckily the sun was shining instead of the rain we had had most of the day! I got to my hostel, very cute, no t.v, log fire and looked out over the lake! I rung the skydive company to confirm where i was staying so they could pick me up in the am...2 seconds later they rung back and said do i want to go and do it now, as such a good day, cant garantee weather tomorrow....i was like erm, well ive just got here, anyway basically 5 mins later i was in the van with 5 other crazy people on our way to jump our of a plane! Good thing being, i didnt have a long to think about it, prob wouldnt have slept that night thinking of it the next day! there, put on scales, suited up oh and on the way in van watched a dvd to brief you on what to do when you fall out of plane! its that easy! Met my instructor, older dude, really nice and i checked he was ok and happy with his life....(no good having a suicicdal instructor was my thinking behind this!) he harnessed me up..really tight around the top of your legs..not that im moaning as rather be safe! I had a dvd of the whole thing too and met the guy who was filming me and falling out of plane too!! said a few final last words to the camera and walked to the plane...we got in last, meaning i jumped the plane i was surprisingly calm.........sat on instructors lap was worrying me more! Time had come, door opened, moved to edge, smiled at camera, head back , legs back, held my harness and *************** i fell towards the ground...couldnt breathe and couldnt smile for the intial freefall, then the first mini shute came out and it was all man was flying round us like a bug!! Then the parashute came out and life was magical as we floated down to the ground, scenerey was incredible.....and yes i did say oh my god, several times......truly the most amazing thing legs went up and his guided us to the ground and there you go, touch down.....gave my instructor a big hug!!!!! watched the dvd and it is face is a picture! Defo worth the money!!!! Sat in front of the log fire that night, reading my book and re-living my afternoons experience!!!! actually quite proud of myself!!! Spend the next day exploring Wanaka town and got the bus to Queenstown in the this space for queenstown report soon!
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