First have to say mum and dad you would absolutley love this country! Many ways reminds me of the Lake District!! Wish you were here!!!Moving on......Left Christchurch early Tuesday am and there had been rumour of we set off i heard the coach driver talking to a local about arthurs pass maybe being closed due to snow (this is the only route to get to Framz Joseph!) anyway we appraoched and it was snowing, very exciting, saw men clearing the road and driver spoke to them, they said we were ok (was in a minibus not a coach, thankgod!) We stopped half way up for him to put the chains on the wheels....slowly bur surely we made it up and over, passing a lorry that had come off the road on the way but as usual i was completley calm (not!), got down the other side and took the chains off, snow then turned to rain and the next thing its sunny!! We made our way to Greymouth where i had to get another coach to Franz, another girl and i waited together, taking it in turns to gaurd the luggage and go to the supermarket!! Next coach arrived and begun the trip to Franz Joseph, stopping at several towns on they way, to pick up newspapers then drop them off in next town.....Got to Franz and to my next hostel for 2 nights! Today was the big day, the glacier hike! Got to centre early this am and they kept sayin make sure you have warm clothes, i also had to lie about not having any injuries otherwise they dont let you up and if you do get hurt you have to pay for helicopter down!! Anyway i made it...was raining most of the day but we were well prepared!! On the way up it was tough going, we had cramps on our boots they had rpovided and these gripped the ice..they had also given us waterproof trousers, coat, hat, socks and not bad supplies! We were in groups of 11 and 1 tour guide, due to the rain i think our course changed slightly as we had to cross rivers in the rainfroest to get to the glacier and we had to make sure we could get back so we had to do everything a lot quicker! The guide had an axe to help calve the way for us and there were several people already up there who had been calving up some steps and putting ropes by the really steep ones!! Rain got heavier as we got higher and unfortunatley didnt turn to snow, altho there was snow at the top! Quick snack break and then heading back these point, me ankles and back were killing me, didnt help that the boots were not very supportive! Anyhow, i made it down and back to the bus, best sight id see all day (joke!) I was very surprised how challenging it was,or i really must have lost all fitness!! Amazing views today and quite an amazing experience overall!! didnt get cold at all, just very wet! Free hot chocolate when we got back, was sooo good!! When i got back to hostel, i hung clothes around on the radiators and they were pretty wet, then i went and used the hostel sauna.....lush! was outside and i could hear and see the rain pouring as i sat in this cute 2 person sauna all to myseld, not a bad end to a great day! Off to wanaka tomorrow, to throw myself out fof a plane!!xx
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