Finally arrived in Melbourne, after a long wait in bangkok! Found the skybus that takes you to the city centre, so got there, then got a tram to meet Kylie who i am staying with at her work! (get around better abroad than i do in uk!) The people im staying with our my friend Liv's cousins (thankyou Liv!)..they are awesome! Got nandos for dinner on way home then i had an early night after not really sleeping on plane! Woke this morning, took a minute to think where i was, great night sleep tho in lovely bed in quiet house!!Today we went shopping that was not before visiting RAMSAY STREET!! just a quick visit, soooo coool! mind you most houses look like neighbours houses round here!! So shopping....then saw the Salvo army shop, didnt see Harold Bishop tho, think it was his day off!! Then to a friends house....they watch a lot of aussie rules footy over here, quite a good game but not as good as rugby!!Then to do grocery shopping and buy alochol for house party tonight!! lots of it!! got an aussie sim card today too so will use that to make local calls and call uk!! some of you make me lucky enough to get a phone call!! Got a 30th bday party tomorrow too, so should be a good good to be with people and have someone to chat too!!!Off to get ready now so laters dudes!!!
IT appears i lost a blog entry....i wrote loads on monday too, about my trip to the MCG and how i nearly trod in dog poo, cant believe it has dissapeared!! gutted! well ive basically had 2 x 8hr days sightseeing and ive seen MCG (melbourne cricket ground) explored many parts of melbournes stations and streets and also went to Queen Victoria Market, which is amazing.....going back on friday to do major shopping then gonna post stuff home! Melbourne is a huge city which is quite chilly and has several random downfalls of rain so much like uk! altho i hear its been sunny there! There is a free sight seeing bus which is cool so have seen several sights from bus. Had a day off today as needed a rest so i have spent the day uploading photos onto facebook, took forever so you should have things to look at now! I am doing the neighbours tour tomorrow afternoon...soooooo excited you wouldnt believe!!! Touring the Rod Lavern tennis centre on friday where they had australian open! I love it........only got lost once as got ont he tram going the wrong way,doh! Thankyou to all who have written on the message board i like receiving messages so anyone else feel free! Im being very well looked after here, amazing dinners..actually going out for a chinese tonight...just like home!! Anyway missing you all loads.....but least im having a good time now....the whole on your own thing really isnt for big doses anyway!! bye for now!xx
SO TODAY WAS NEIGHBOURS DAY, will tell you about that in a min..chinese last night was gorgeous...this morning i went to the aqaurium, was wicked.......some things altho in tanks and had glass between me and them i still couldnt get that close...saw the divers go in and feed the rays/ fish and sharks!! I actually ducked from a ray swimming over glass above me, was so close! Then i went up a tower and and went on the observation deck to view Melbourne, its quite a flat city so was a good view! Got a hot chocolate and ate my yoghurt for lunch on table surrounded by pigeons.....not the first time ive had to do this and all i can say is thankgod for hoodies!!! as i jolted on this table also used by ohters and i funny looks so just explained im scared of birds.......moving on....NEIGHBOURS TOUR...met the group got on the neighbours bus...went to Erinsborough High first stop....its actually an english language school and they just put a sign up when had a piccy there....then to the neighbours court (cul de sacs here are called courts) awesome..they have a security gaurd too!! met a girl who was also a little excited about the whole things so we hung together and took piccies for each other with the neighbours sign too...then onto the studios and to meet the neighbours star, all we got told was that she was female and a long standing there saw carpenters mechanics and the old grease monekys cafe (wont mean anything to those who dont watch it!)..then a car drove round and out got LIBBY!!!!dont know what came over me, just got very star struck....lost breath, cried and giggled.........wot a loser! she was tiny! eventually got a grip and had a photo with her, which was awful i look massive and im clearly giggling! she hung out and chatted with us and people asked questions, i was actually stood next to her and it was then i discovered my flies were fully undone!!! OMG!!! so very cooly and casually in front of everyone (but libby couldnt see) i did them up! couldnt believe it! anyway back onto the bus to go home.....great trip...the excited friend i made then wanted to hang out.....oh and we both bought Dr Karls bands albumn from the my friend came with me to shops and to the loo and then i had to meet Kylie from work..after i went to starbucks of course.....massive headache on way home, think it was too much excitement for one day! loved every minute tho....see fb for piccies!
Friday....had my tour of the Rod Lavern arena this morning, where the australian open is held.......a pretty cool venue...gets transformed into everything including a swimming pool and used for concerts, rodeo, monster truck..its mental! And would you believe in the building opposite, they were holding the australian idol auditions.....i know i couldnt believe it either...randoms just wlaking around outside singing at the top of their voice or sat down playing guitar and singing, was crazy but awesome so after my tour i sat ont he bench and soaked up the atmosphere and contemplated going to audtion...for a laugh!! ayway wimped out and made my way to the market for some got ugg boots for me and my sis and some other random out for a new t-shirt i bought in my future wont miss it! Friday...with another headache...went home and packed to go off to the beach house for the wkend......only an hour away so got there and chilled with a coroner and then to bed.......woke sat morning feeling very crook (thats aussie for ill) awful feeling and then proceeded to vomit for the next hour......thought id be ok to go out to shops so we did and went via pharmacy to get some tablets.......but i couldnt hack it so got taken back home and spent the day in bed with a bad bug...wont go into any more detail but wasnt just vommitting! so missed out on the winery, what a buggar....guys got home about 4pm, id literally slept or been in bathroom whole day..then decided to try some toast.....thankfully it stayed the chills that night so went to bed and thankgod woke up sunday am feeling better!!! Sunday is mothers day here in OZ so Kylies mum and dad and her bro and his fiancee and their baby and her parents who were over from Russia were coming to the town for us ALL to go out for lunch... was worried id feel like an intruder but soo didnt...they were awesome and the dad from Russia was sooo funny and he is a famous guy in Russia for swimming long distances in cold water!! he was also learning english and so was liek a child learning a new work and kept saying thankyou, your welcome together everytime!! he popped down to beach....cold day, cold sea and just had a swim before lunch, so random, he had me in histarics......lovely lunch in a hotel/pub right on sea front......thought i was in england as it was exactly somewhere we would go in Dorset with my nan...couldnt reall eat my lunch as got full quickly as hadnt eaten yesterday...left and went to see another beach, where people surf..lots of waves...then back to the house to pack up and come home...last day in the city tomorrow as more i wanted to see..also posting some stuff home as too much to pack now and off to see my relies on very pleased with my prgress in the aussie language...i love it!!! and even told i look aussie!! hope your all good in uk??xxxx
So last entry for melbourne as off to Brisbane tomorrow! Didnt make it into the city today as Kylie got the bug that i had at wkend and apparently several other peeps have had it too! was glad to be at home tho as im still not 100% and wanna be ok to fly tomorrow! so spent the day doins some more washing, packing, uploading last of melbourne piccies! Then went to post office to send home some shopping, mainly the ugg boots but other stuff too and it cost $100 odd dollars, thats about 50 pounds!! Nick had given me a name of a cheap post company but could only get to normal post office today so that was that! had a cheesymite roll for lunch today and it was amazing.....just like the cheese and marmite things that my mum makes but bigger!!!!!!and it had veggiemite not marmite in it! up early tomorrow and flight is at 10.15am, spoke to my auntie and cousins today and im staying with my cousin Chris and his wife Rachel first as they live 5 mins from city so i can do some exploring, but hoping to see them all tomorrow night!! got quite emotional after talking to my auntie....cant wait for a hug!! lso when i next speak i will be in Brisbane which is apparently warmer so looking forward to that! bye for nowxx
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