Arrived in Queenstown 6ish and checked into hostel.....hmmmnn not as nice as others in new zealand..mixed 8 bed dorm........went straight out into town as was the start of their winter festival and had fireworks and live bands....good atmosphere and very busy!! went back to hostel and sat in front of fire and watched tv before bed! So worst nights sleep ever, drunk peeps stimbling in at all hours, snoring and generally nastiness, minging bathroom too....guy on bunk above me fell in the door at 7.30am, sooo drunk and stunk too......ewww just didnt feel comfortable, so i decided to find alternative accomm and as busiest wkend on whole yr in this town, i could only get a motel...i didnt care just wasnt staying there again....motel was amazing, had my own room and bathroom, sweeeet!!! and a hairdryer too, totally spoilt!!! During my next 2 days i spent one exploring the town and the other day i did i trip to milford sound......unbelievable day..long day but at milford, i did the cruise and we had dolphins bowe riding on our boat, AMAZING...then saw a rainbow and the end of it for the first time ever...but guess what NO POT OF GOLD!! gutted! More snow around but had the sunniest day, was really beautiful! Next day left queenstown and travelled on sight seeing bus back to christchurch via mount cook, where we spent 2 hours, i did a mini walk and sat in the peacful surroundings staring at the snow capped mountains eating my picnic lunch, with no cars and no people in sight!!!! Quite sureal!! 17 days till im home now, im actually quite excited!!!! The beautiful scenery and travelling is tiring stuff!!! xx
Thought id just add to this as stopped over in christchurch for the night, was great to see all the girls again there and catch up!! did some washing to, so should last me till im home now! Next morning i got up early to get my bus to picton, waited in usual area and no bus.......altho my info had said to wait outside a ritches travel on worcester road, well i waited where i met my last bus on worcester rd but couldnt see a ritches travel!! anyway got to 7.15am and no bus, chatted to otheres and they said there is another bus area at other end of worcester rd...doh!!!! SO missed my bus....panic!! saw another bus with same destination on so ran to driver and asked can i get on, yes just another $30 dollars...had to be done as was catching a ferry from picton at 1.15 to get to Wellington!! So all sorted and got to the ferry ok, was a lovely ferry, massive! sat in recliner seats and watched tv for the 3 hour journey to the north island and new zealands capital!! Made it all good and got to my cosy hostel......officially in the north now....very rainy!!! Im now going to share with you a list of DIPPY things i have done on my trip so far:
1. Didnt totally realise that australia had the same queen as us...and asked my cousin about their queen......
2. Left the keys to my padlocks on my bag in my hostel in christchurch when i went to Franz Joseph...had to get them cut off with pliers!!
3.Cooked a gorgeous Hawiaan pizza and took it out the oven and dropped it face down on the floor as was very hot!!! scrapped the topping off floor put in bin and ate the then margarita pizza!!
4.Waited at the wrong end of a road and missed my bus (as told you earlier!)
5. Moaned to my roomy about the guy in the bed below me snoring and guy was about 4 metres away at kitchen table (pleasant guy too! felt very guilty!)
6.Chatted to girls who were awake in my dorm room about how glad i was they were awake as usually someone always asleep and you have to creep around at 8pm at night, they may not have fully understood (were chinese) as after chatting for 15 mins i realised there was a girl asleep in her bunk bed in the room!!!
So as you can see im am living up to my nickname of dippy and in the process costing myself money and giving people a good laugh (at my expense!) love to you all!!xxx
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