Good Morning everyone!!
So i am back in Kathmandu... and there are some things to fill you in on!
I had a wonderful time in pokhara really chilled and relaxing. The meditation was out of this world i did not want to leave in my eyes 3 days was really not enough!
Let me fill you in on my endevour!!
So first i walked from my hotel to the centre with my big big heavy bag!! Proud i was!! I kept getting stopped by guest house owners trying to make me stay there. "i already have a place...." Then i arrived a walked through the BIG RED METAL GATE!! with a big sign on saying this gate will be locked at 10pm. What kind of place have a come to!! Then i saw sonam for the first time and his smile lit up the room. Sonam is the guy who runs the place he is a tibetan and has the most wonderful presents i have ever experienced i can not explain it! Then he showed me to my room, it was basic but clean, big and had a comfy bed! Then he said we will start in ten mins and i will be sharing the room with another girl from england!! So i threw down my bag and headed to find everyone else! Payed my 4000rps to sonam and the course was ready to start. We went to the meditation room which was up stairs and had the most wonderful view of the lake!! The room was bright, calm and peaceful all that you needed from a meditation room there was many picture of budda's and lama's and scattered around was pillows to sit on. We all introduced each other and what an amazing bunch of people!
Katrine - she is from austria but has been travelling for a long time she is a yoga instructor and has a real calm and peacefulness about her!
Harriet - was the girl who i shared a room with from london. She has been travelling for 3 months and knows sooo much.
James- he was english but lives in thailand, Very funny guy... and loves dvd's like me!!
Maria and Bert - are marrided he is from holland and she is from Balivia, Both are great people and have done bits and bobs of mediation before... They are also expecting a baby too.
Tamara - she is great funny and had a wonderful smile... and laughs alot!! what more do you need from one person. much fun!
Irina - was also very calm she is from south africa but lives also in thailand she has the most beautiful little girl.
Eduardo- he is from argintina and his knowlegde on his contry blew me away. i really need to learn about england!
So thats the group now introduced i will move on. We then got briefed by Sonam of the plan. So first rules one person (bert) was the bell ringer 5 mins before any activity he had to ring the bell so we where always there before the lama. When the lama walks in and out of the room we had to stand to show respect. You can not point you feet at him. No lying or swaring or killing anything!! So then he arrived all stand! I was a little shocked to see he was white and from amaerica not quite what i was expecting!
First thing we did was meditation... He taught us how to meditate... simple breathing mediation where you concentrate on nothing but your breath. Did you no the average person can concentrate on one thing alone for 3 seconds... And its true i could not get my mind to stay still then the dreaded dead leg appeared aghhh the pain. Eventually he rang the bell and the sigh of relife in the room made me laugh. Then it was time for yoga so after we had all got the circulation to our legs back (i physically could not move) Then we started the yoga. The guy was a funny looking fella short, nepalese and his accsent which brought great hilarity was very hard to follow.
So yoga not quite my fortay as you can prob guess, but that being said i managed it and appart from giggling everytime the teacher said inhale and exhaile (which was quite often) i think it went quite well.
The food in the place was amazing, vegiterian of course but really good we all expected to have dal 2 times a day but what a plesent suprise. The other great thing was the lama we found him very funny, easy to follow and really knowledgeable.
After dinner we did one more meditation which was breathing meditation... after this came the hardest thing for me.. in order to have the most concentration for the morning med at 6am we were not aloud to talk, listen to music or anything from 8pm to 7am the next morning. This is me!!! Really hard when you have just met all these new wonderful people!!
I managed it and was up at 6 for morning med... this time about positive energy.. you have to imagin a ball of white pure light on your head that shrinks and dissolves into you head down to your heart and fills your whole body with positive energy. This is the morning med so you have positive energy all day... during this med i sat on a cousion a bit wrong so everytime i got relaxed i began to drift backwards!! very funny! Then we all said goodmorning and began yoga! then time for well needed breckfast!! After breckfast it was time for Buddest teaching. What a mind field very very interesting but very confusing!! i went there expecting to find awsers however i just got more and more confused. He asked us all questions about our selfs like who are you?? WHAT I HAVE NO IDEA!! i really made me think. One thing i did work on was attachment my attachment and how i need to have less attachment to find happiness. Every living beening is trying to find happiness. We also was taught about karma... also very interesting. Anyhoo running out of time... basically the next 2 days where like this and very very good i did not want to leave but i had to get back to my boys in the cafe!
So i got the bus home on monday... and arrived back to Ktm safe and sound... I went to the cafe that evening and caught up on all that i had missed!! Then to celebrate sujans distiction grade we went and had a few drinks... and money and a i chatted as usual i opened my heart to him never done that before meditation works wonders... Then i went home.
Today i have been invited to a nepalese wedding very excited about that!! so i have to dash there!!
Post later
Love to all
12 days to go!!
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