Hello to all...
Appologies for my late blog last night i was very tired...
But today i have had a great sleep and i feel ready for a day of mayhem in nepal!!
Well where to start... yesterday i went out for the day to Narakot with the lovely mane! (spelt right) i still perfere Money!! anyway we met early at the cafe... And had tea (of course) and then we had to get 2 buses to get to Narakot which took like 2 and a half hours!! eekkkk We arrived and started to walk up the hill 2.5k of a hill. Mane's pridiction of 45mins was a bit optimistic!! But eventaully we made it only to realise that the bus when further up then we got off!! error!! but never the less it was a lovely walk we chatted and laughed as we always do. At the top it was spectactual a pamarmic view of the lantang mountain range all snow capped and beautiful. It would have been such a peaceful place had there not been 30 school kids there. We sat at the top for a which buit it had taken up that long to get up there... to busy chatting ... that we only had 1 hour to take in the view!! Anyways we wandered down slowely and chatted some more... There was a bin which said garbage here on it so i had to stand on top and have a picture how funny is that!!
At the bottom we got some lunch and chilled untill it was time for the long bus journey back! It was dark upon arrival back to Kathmandu and we walked to mane's home where i had been invited for some food. BUT still full from the lunch i hardly ate anything SORRY!! His home was nice and his parents were just lovely! we looked at some pictures of him and his family and friends there was some great ones of sujan, mane, bali and sutchin when they were younger sooo cute!! Then we went to the cafe to meet Sujan who walked me home!! Then early night late morning perfect!!
Sonam is home from his 18 day trek now so i am looking forward to catching up with him... i am also going with kensome to buy a traditional nepalese dress!! Then i have lunch at Lackba's home then dinner with Ngima!! Busy day but lovely day...
Hope you all have a wonderful day too...
Love to all
10 days to go!!
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