Hello all,
So yesterday i had a very chilled and relaxed day. I spent the whole day with the sherpa's!!
Firstly i had a great sleep then got up and went shopping with Kinsome, we went to buy me a traditional nepalese dress. It took us a while wandering around Bodnath area to find it but eventually we found a tiny little shop. Only the shop lady, Kinjsome and me could have fit in. First i had the hard task of picking the material and with so manu bright beautiful materials it was hard!! Then i was mesured which caused some hilarity for her when she did my bust!! Then after intensly being mesured i picked the neck line i wanted!! Then i payed half of the 1240rps and we left her to make it and i will pick it up on the 1st after chitwan... very excited!!
Then we had a drink in a coffee shop and a brownie too...mmmm and then it was time to walk home as at 12:30 i was going for lunch at Lackba's home! Only Bossi was in (Lackba's wife) and she made me delicious dal bat! Then we watched tv for a while before i headed home to see naina. Then i chilled which was nice first time in ages i have had nothing to do! So i just read a book. Then it was time for dinner and Ngima too me and the 2 boys (his son's tashi and Lackba) out for dinner. I had 3 beers and a chicken sizzerler and then we walked home it really enjoyed spending some time with ngima... unfortanatly with his busy working life i have not seen him much! So it was a lovely day and lovely evening!!
I found out that i might not see cammie before i leave which makes me really sad i despreatly wanted to say goodbye to her!! But with only 9 days left untill the departure its looking more and more unlikly!! :(
Anyway that was yesterday,
Today i am going with Sujan to a meeting about Paz Earth... Pax Earth is a charity which is run by Sujan and the cafe boys they work with young adults and schools to teach how to help the enviorment and leadership. General life skills. They have asked me to be a honorable member... Very thankful and excited about that!!
So thats all for now folks...
Love to all
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