Deb's Travels...
Captains Log. Star Date 25.02.05
Brisbane. Well, who would of thought that I would have visited a doctors and two hospitals within my first 2 hours in Brisbane?? Not I thats for sure!
Tom was feeling ill for about 2 weeks but kept it fairly quiet and then rapidly deteriorated and it became painfully obvious to myself and total strangers that he needed to see a doctor. Basically a long story cut short, after a trip to the doctors where they took one look at him and sent us to a (private) hosptial. From there he was put on a drip and started a course of anti biotics and pain killers, but our insurance wouldnt cover being in a private hospital so we had to move again onto Brisbane Royal Hosptial where he is now.
He has been in for a few days, and is on the mend now. Eating and drinking again and able to speak. He seems better each morning but is still very lethargic.
I have explored some of Brisbane inbetween visits to the hospital and it is a really nice city. It is small enough to walk around the centre and has some good shopping. Which is dangerous ground!!
Tamara came up from Sydney and we have seen some of the city. We went into city hall and managed to get the guy to unlock the door to the mayors office so we could have a little nosey in there. Apparently princess Di has been in that very same office! : ) The mayor was at lunch so unfortunatly we didnt meet him!
We then went downstairs where there is a history of Brisbane exhibition, so we browsed around there for a bit and then down another level there is an art gallery. Only small, but it had some really cool stuff in there. Most of it was photography. I really enjoyed looking around it.
We then wandered over to Parliament, where we went in and listened to politicians discussing a new law. It was very strange because nobody appeared to be listening to the people speaking, they all seemed to be talking amongst themselves! We stayed for a little while and listened to what seemed uncannily like the same point of view but from three different people who I believe were arguing it out! Obviously I am not a politician and that is probably why I didnt grasp the intricacies of the arguments!!
Brisbane seems cool, I think I will be staying for another week or so, until Tom is back on his feet again at least.
Over and out xxx
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