Another beautiful day in Germany. Nuremberg is full of contradictions - beautiful medieval willages and yet scary nazi sites too!!! The city itself is beautiful, but their history is so checkered that it's hard to see past that!!! Saw some interesting places, and then hung around in the market square that was just amazing!! There were whole stands there that sold an enormous range of mushrooms!!! Who'd 'a' thunk it?? The place was beautiful and pretty, not the least of which was the willage within the castle walls! The piksha is of Bwian outside some current dwellings within the castle walls. Not bad for 800+ years old!! ( but what about the houses???!!!)
Did a little wandering after our walking tour and then had a beer in the square with some new friends from Denver, and watched the world go by!! Again, a beautiful place that really warranted some extended time, which we didn't have. All fabo back here on the ship. Had a lovely night and I'm now back in our cabin. Bwian's at the bar with his new friend, George, from London, who he's spent a couple of late evenings with, discussing the meaning of life or other such philosophical issues (apparently!!!). :-) Look after each other. xxx
- comments
Stef Good old George from London! =)