On our way to Adelaide. Its funny to think that Adelaide was the whole reason for coming on our trip in the first place and now we are on our way! 10 hour train trip, which, the same as all public transport in Aus, was excellent. The reason for Adelaide is that Den has friends here and we could stay. Arrived in the city and found accomodation very quickly and had quick walk around. After a couple of days of exploring and getting our way around we travelled on down to Port Noarlunga (home of Deb & Andy) and absolutely fell in love!! AGAIN! Adelaide is a lovely small townish type city, very friendly as most of Australia, and easy to get around. Port Noarlunga is south of the city on the coast and totally exquisite. The climate is wonderful as although it is hot we have been lucky to have a breeze which has made the heat bearable ........ plus (a big big plus!) there seems to be less FLIES!!!!!!!! ( one of the biggest problems) so we feel we are in paradise!. As Deb & Andy were still in England we booked into a motel for a week. We have learnt that motels our just as cheap as hostels and far superior! This is now the Nigel bit! We booked in and the manager was extremely smart and professional. As we got to know him better he was a real laugh and we spent a lot of time with him - he was great. Deb & Andy came back and Nigel said he was looking for someone to help him with the cleaning so him & I came to a mutually good agreement and Den went up to stay with her friends. God it was so weird to be working. I kept thinking of Carol & Val( for those who don't know 2 very special ladies that clean to help me out) and wondered how they managed! After 2 hours I had blisters and was completely knacked!!! But in a warped way (very warped!!) I enjoyed it! Den is staying in complete luxury - the house is right on the coast and wonderful and I've got the scrubbing brush and loving it! Perhaps I'm odder than I thought!!!!!!!!! Anyway after barbies!!(BBQ) and some really good nights the next thing is that Denys arrives from Canberra. It was so good to see him again. He is such a nice guy and Deb & Andy had a barbie and invited Denys as well. Excellent night and I spent time with Debs Mum(from Weston & 80) talking about all the people that Pete & I knew. It was a really excellent night and I didn't take the camera!!!!! We both really do love Aus and have now found out that the weather in America is really freezing & snowy!! It is going to be so hard to leave Australia knowing what we are going into and Denise is seriously thinking about stayinf here! I actually don't blame her but I don't want to miss out on the experience so this might be the time when we part company. Not sure but you will soon know when I update from USA. Whatever happens I know she will be looked after so I won't have to worry that if she is OK. Everything about Australia has been absolutely wonderful and we are both so happy we have done this. Thank God for stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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