Flew from Nha Trang to Saigon. Nha Trang airport was dinky. It took 6 mins to check in, clear security and proceed to gate all at a leisurely stroll.
Nothing leisurely about Saigon. It's mad. We sat for a drink and in short order a succession of street hawkers offered us: a shoe shine, a fan, sun glasses, shoe repairs,lighters, a hammock, books, torch, fruit, massage, silk painting, DVDs, vibrating massage devices. On the way in from the airport we saw a street hawker selling puppies: we couldn't tell if they were pets or edible. Hotel is not as glamorous as we've been used to with only a king sized bed compared to the super-duper we had In Nha Trang and a view from the window of a wall. It does however have a rooftop open air breakfast room: let's hope the rain holds off. Went for walk down to the river and around the old town. There's a lot of building work here and they're in the process of building an underground system which meant we could see where we wanted to go but getting there was a different matter. Some streets were completely sealed off to the public with only the pavements left which the motorbikes were using as roads. After our walk and to sooth our aching feet and cool down we jumped in the roof top pool and watched the lights of Saigon come on. Later went out for BBQ in a vacant lot close to the hotel. Yvonne ordered frog which we have had before and tasted nice but this one has particularly boney. In the past when we've order frog you usually get only the legs, this time we got the lot. David order spiced pork and we cooked the meats over an open pot. It took us over an hour to eat the meat which was delicious, add a few beers and you've got a great night. See cover photo for some idea what it was like.
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