Day 23 - It was another fine day in Paris, so we decided to take an inter city train to Vernon, about a 40 minute ride out of Paris. It was then to a local bus for a 15 minute ride to the village of Givency. This village was the home to Claude Monet, a famous French artist. The main attraction in the village is his mansion and surrounding gardens. The bus dropped us at the end of the village and it was a short stroll to his address. The mansion was very well presented and every room was full paintings. The gardens were spectacular. There was a colourful display of many unusual flowers and scrubs, but the main attraction was the very large lily pond with it's bridges and pathways over and around the pond. In the pond were large European carpe swimming among the lily pads. We had a late lunch in the village then returned to Paris around 5pm for a bit of retail therapy, followed by a late dinner in the city. It was then home to pack for our train tomorrow to Heidelberg.
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