Day two arrived and I had a stinking hangover! And believe me there is nothing better than curing this with a short walk along the beach as the sun is rising! I was joined by Luke Senior as we have christened him, and hey presto hangover gone! One thing we couldn’t do however is swim in the ocean, due to rip tides and Tiger Sharks breading which was a it disappointing but hey Lake McKenzie made up for that.
So day two we had to get everything clean at a local watering village, then we head to see wild turtles and then back to the beach to float down a free flowing river. Again the weather didn’t disappoint! Sun Sun and more Sun. We also visited a shipwreck on the beach, which has been there for years and years, rusting away. But we got some great pictures of it. Funny how it’s just been left there for that many years and the tides eat away at it every day.
We also had some fun in the back while off-road, with our coco-pops spilling onto us all from the storage above. The Challenge was to catch them in your mouth as they fell! Suppose you had to be there really!
Strategic planning was then set in motion, by setting up camp near the exit for Lake McKenzie for our final day. I drove for the first time on the beach, and it was wicked fun. Jules unfortunately couldn’t drive due to not having his license with him. You skid on sand a lot easier than you think!!!!!
Anyhow the second night all three teams hooked up at the beach camp and I have to say I have never seen Julian so happy and drunk at the same time. He is destined to be a beach bum that’s for sure! Again we had a BBQ, and partied on the beach. Luke Junior decided to show off his brake dancing….funniest thing ever! Our Tents blew away a couple of times, which was amusing. And a drinking game called Zimmee Zimmee entailed! I don’t have the ability to describe it but it was a lot of fun and with about 30 people playing really got everyone going. I got to know Luke and Pat really well this night and they are really cool guys, we are going to hook up in Sydney with Luke as well at New Year. I also chatted to Sidsel a lot this night; she is a really nice Danish girl and a bit crazy, fun though. Obviously drunken fighting ensued and I had a tent peg go partially through my foot. (Not to worry it didn’t stop me having fun!!!) (And of course is healing well…heehee). Steak and Burgers with a helping of sand for dinner was yummy and the party went on until the early hours.
Casualties of this night were Julian sleeping half in and half out of his tent, Luke being circled by a Dingo because he passed out on the beach, Me – Tent Peg…and well I could say others but what happens on Fraser Island Stays on Fraser Island!
The morning came and we were all really ready for a chilled day. Whilst Julian sat on the beach a plane decided to land in front of him and while we watched this, a wild dingo passed us no more than a meter in front of us! Where’s your camera when you need it hey?
We visited Lake McKenzie enroute back to the ferry, swimming and chilling was just what the doctor ordered.
All in all Fraser Island was so much better than I ever expected, we had a fantastic group and the most fun of all on the Island. Beach Camping and living natural was really eye opening.
We got on so well that Adam, Kay, Luke Senor are all meeting us in Airlie for the Whitsunday’s sailing.
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