We had to go through passport control and then collect our bags, then quickly go and check in for our flight for Australia. Our flight to Australia was at 7.30pm, so we had to check in at 4.30pm, but as our previous flight was delayed we didn't check in until 5.10pm. When we went to the desk the bloke said that all economy seats were taken, so we got upgraded to business class (wow). The only thing we had to do was have your legs covered and some sort of shoes or trainers on. I went and changed and the girls had to buy some shoes, after that we were aloud through. We then went and had some food and then boarded the plane. Business class was amazing, your seat lay down as a bed, it had a massager in it, we had free drinks the whole flight, a posh dinner and breakfast, it was unbelievable. On the way there I watched, zookeeper, the guard and mr popper penguin, then feel asleep.
End of day 44.
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