Day 3:
Woke up to someone banging on my door, turns out to be danielle, saying it's 9 o'clock, get ready for breakfast. I started to get ready opened the curtain and WOW bangkok looked so different in daytime (what a s*** hole, looks like a hurricane has just hit, the roof top all run down and what looks like cages on top of them). So we go down for breakfast and there was cereal, full English the lot, unbelievable, o yer and pancakes. After that we went back to our rooms got ready and took a walk along the road but just as we got outside the hotel door a man came up to us called yoyo, offering a taxi to where every we want for 80 baht and asked where we are from, I said England and he said good football team and I knew when he said that he was dodgy, so we started to walk along the road and walked through a Market because we all needed a watch, and Leanne would ask how much and they would say 150baht and she would knock them down, (she should work in a Market when she get back to England with them haggling skills), everywhere we went in this Market people would try and sell us something and we walked past quite a few stands that we selling vibrators and stuff,the stands were all called David lol, (they most have a good sex life out here). Then we came back to the hotel and went to see the swimming pool that we thought was on the 25th floor, so get in the lift and go up to the 25th floor and the doors opened and it was like something out of a horror film with a caged door in front of us, so we shut the lift door as quick as we could and went to reception and asked for the pool, it the 23rd floor, so up we went and it was really nice an outdoor swimming pool on the 23rd floor in Bangkok, (what a view). We went for a swim in the pool (only ones in there), and done a nice bit of sunbathing, (yes mum we put cream on). The sun went in and it was still muggy, but we went down to our rooms, good job we did because the sky opened and it pissed down, I have never seen rain like it, in a couple of seconds there must have been 2/3 inches of rain. So all we done was went to the convenience store and got some noddles, for dinner. Me and Danielle walked along the road and we crossed our first main road, which is really scary as even tho there is a green man the traffic doesn't stop, so you have to walk in-between the cars,WOW, we just ran!! Walking to the shop and Danielle shat her self yet again, and made me jump as there was the scraggiest, smallest cat we have ever seen, and then walking back we saw 3 or 4 homeless people sleeping on the street but it is so humid here. Also walking back all the Thai men looking at Danielle so she grabbed hold of my arm and the a taxi driver pulled up near us and was looking but we was near our hotel and just went into bed. And I still don't know the Brighton v Liverpool score :-( .
End of day 3.
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