Day 13:
We pulled into a service station about 1am, if we needed the toilet or anything to eat. Stayed there for about half an hour. The the bus went, we had about 6 hours left. We finally got to Bangkok, after about an 12 an a half hours of not sleeping properly, we were all a bit moody, it was half 6 and we were stuck at some bus station somewhere in Bangkok. We walked around a bit and then we saw a taxi rank. The first taxi driver said 350 baht, so we walked a bit further and someone else said 200 baht, we got in his taxi and half way there he said 400 baht because a toll road he used that cost 45 baht. (don't think maths was his strong point.) we ended up paying him 400 baht, he dropped us to the train station, which was about a 15 minute drive. We went into the train station, put our bags in storage as we were getting a coach at 7pm from the train station. It was 7.30 am, we had nearly 12 hours to waste!!! We flagged down a taxi and asked how much to the shopping centre (MBK) he said the meter would cost 55 baht but he will do it for 60 baht as he wants 5 baht tip. We laughed and said ok. We got to mbk, and it didn't open until 10. We found a nice place to have some breakfast, and then sat on a bench. A security man came over to us, asked where were from and then started talking about football, showing all the results, told me Brighton lost 3-1 :,-(. Then he told us that a clothes shop would be open, and pulled a tuk tuk driver over, told him 20 baht and he said ok. We went inside this shop and it's all Taylor made clothes , so we went out to our tuk tuk and told him go back to mbk, he said ok, we got to the end of the road and he stopped and said to us I take you to jewellery shop and he gets free gasoline. As we still had 2 hours to waste, we said ok. We went in had a look, I got a little elephant charm and then he took us to mbk. We looked around mbk and then went to Siam, (another shopping centre) then into Siam centre, (another shopping centre) and then into Siam penagon, (yer you guest it another shopping centre.) it was about half 5 and we decide to go back to the train station by taxi. We went and grabbed our bags and waited outside the black canyon cafe shop and about 7.15 a lady came and meet us. We got on the second coach in two days. It was a bit more comfortable than the night before, but kept swaying side to side. (felt a bit like the over night train.) we pulled into another service station about midnight.
End of day 13.
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