We drove from Kingaroy to Lake Broadwater Bush camp, only 127 km's for the day, going through Dalby. We choose to stay at the bush camp as it was blowing heaps over at the Lake. The caretaker pulled into camp in the afternoon to collect the $12 camp fee for one night......mmmmmm.
We set up camp, defrosted the freezer and enjoyed a lovely fire for the afternoon, which our dinner of Satay Chicken was cooked on.
The next morning we went back into Dalby to get a haircut, shopping and water. Alan found out what Dalby was famous for, via the hairdresser...... We thought famous for.....mmmm maybe wool....NO
Dalby is famous for the winners of this years Home Rules TV show, Luke & Cody's House. So after given the information we found the house and you could understand that the boys would say that they could walk home from the pub with a slab under each arm, it's adjacent to there home. After paying for our campsite the night before we decided to not return to the Lake and continued down the Moonie Hwy to another free rest area at Kumbarilla. This rest area is out behind a truck rest stop and had plenty of room, which we shared with one other caravan.
We pulled into Moonie for a lunch of left overs and waited in phone range to arrange a few things. On the way into Moonie the highway made a mess of one of the drawers, so a quick pull over to do some repairs. Bloody rough roads..... There is heaps of water on the sides of the road and in the paddocks, you can understand how this area is renowned for pigs and pig hunting.....
Our campsite this afternoon is at Westmar Free camp, which supplies toilets and hot showers.... On checking the weather the next morning the decision was made to stay put for the day, as St George was coping 50-100mm of rain with strong wind warnings..... We were to cope it about 1pm but it didn't hit until about 5pm and we watched a dangerously black clouds rolled in over us......We got the awning in just in the nik of time, as the wind whipped up and within seconds the rain pelted down on us......Thank god DABUS was facing into the wind and not parked up sideways.......An AFD was the order of the day......but after being stuck inside we decided why not indulge in a drink or two....The weather bureu stated we were going to cope this weather until 10pm but after about 1 1/2 hours both the wind and rain subsided......Pork ribs and salad for dinner while keeping dry inside DABUS... not many dinners have been had inside DABUS as the weather has been so kind to us during this trip.........
We spoke with other campers who travelled through St George and they said the weather was horiffic and it was a good choice to pull up for the day...
Onto St George and we have both learnt about Telstra Air, which we both have for free. So we sat outside the hotspot and did all of our updates for free.... Driving to our next camp, through fields of canola, we spotted about 8 emus and an echidna crossing the road. We pulled into a large old Quarry Gravel Pit 17km east of Dirranbandi, were Alan realised he had lost his credit card. DABUS was stripped and restripped again and our earlier walk was retraced but no credit card.....
After a Fathers Day cook-up for breakfast it was time once again to hit the road...Just down the road we came across cattle on the road with two jackaroos on their horses and their two dogs..After driving through Hebel we have know arrived into New South Wales.... the fourth state plus NT we had driven through on this trip......
We arrived at Lightening Ridge but didn't go into town, we set up camp at Joe's place 6km before town..Got the fire cranked up and a roast chicken in the camp oven with veggies was our dinner.
Monday morning we both received a message saying our credit card was locked......mmmm interesting... Alan received another message saying to call Commonwealth Bank.. The credit card had been handed into a caravan park in St George and they had already received a call from us on Saturday asking about the credit card. They contacted the bank, who then placed the lock on it. We called the caravan park and as we are now 220km away from them they are kindly posting it to us......After getting the credit card sorted we went into town and had a dip in the very hot - 42 degrees Artesian Bore Baths.
So yes, the last week we have zig zagged from Gympie inland again into Lightning Ridge.
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