Jason, Mark and I didnt have to work today. So we ventured out to Matera. A town that started as cave dewllings, then grew into a fascinating city carved into the hill of rock. We walled all over it and then a had al light bite in a restaurant carved into rock. it was beautiful.
Parts of the move Passion of Christ were filed here as well as The Nativity Story.
Below is a cheat from Wikapedia.
Matera has gained international fame for its "Sassi". The Sassi originate from a prehistoric (troglodyte) settlement, and are suspected to be some of the first human settlements in Italy
The Sassi are houses dug into the calcarenitic rock itself. Many of these "houses" are really only caverns, and the streets in some parts of the Sassi often are located on the rooftops of other houses. The ancient town grew in height on one slope of the ravine created by a river that is now a small stream.
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