Pat and I went for a drive out to the Cox Peninsula this weekend. Walgi Beach sits across the bay from Dawin.
There are a lot of bush fires all over the top end as the heat here is intense. Pat and I walked along a very deserted beach we were the only people around, it was deserted due to the crocodiles & jelly fish that inhabit the waters here.
We also had a look at the fresh water dams around the area too. But there is only one we would be tempted to kayak in as the rangers check it for the pesky croc's. Such a diverse region here.
I am still looking for work, no luck yet. I have put in a lot of resumes and applied for such a wide variety of jobs. It is so demoralising when you get either silence or a "great resume but sorry we are not employing you" emails. No wonder there are a lot of people in Australia without confidence in their worth when looking for a job.
Cost of living here is quite expensive, parking meters everywhere in the city, high food & fuel costs and the housing is just as expensive as Glastone in the boom times.
Red light fine came in the mail today... stupid camera's ... if you look at the photo I am still behind the line, but I can't prove it so bye bye $250.00. Worst luck Pat got a speeding fine in the same mail packet from Khara. What we didn't know is the school zones here last all day from 7.30 through to 5.30 at 40km instead of the 50km for the rest of the street. We learn fast believe me, that money could pay for something fun instead of going to the government.
The aircon is totally dead and needs replacing. Talking to companies now.
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